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The Promise Is Here!

"Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days."  Joel 2:29

The Promise was given throughout the Old Testament - the greatest work of God.  It was often misunderstood as being the physical land or prosperity in general but those were only side benefits.  The greatest gift God could ever give is, of course, Himself.  In the Old Testament period this was not possible on a permanent basis because sin had not yet been dwelt with in history.

Woman Praising God

But Joel is looking forward to the New Testament era - our era - in which God can pour out His Spirit.  Because of Jesus Christ sin has been dwelt with, the way to God is open to all.  We can know God.  We can fulfill our destiny.  We actually have God Himself living inside of us as He designed it to be.  This is the greatest news we could ever have!  God and us in intimate relationship…WOW!

Let's look at this verse a little more closely…

Notice it is on His servants that His Spirit is poured out.  In other words, although we were all designed to have God living in us only those who come to God through faith in the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ can have the Spirit living in them.  There is only one way to God.  It is open to all, but only those who choose to come to Jesus will experience it. 

We must become servants of God.  Actually, being a servant is a high honour of itself.  The greater the one served, the greater the honour…and who is greater than God Himself?

Then notice that this promise is to both men and women.  Heathen cultures [and sometimes Christians, too] downplay or degrade women.  Not so in true Christianity.  Women are recognized as being equally valuable with men and equally able to receive of the Spirit of God. 

Also see that it is God Who will pour out His Spirit.  This is not something that we have to work for, earn, or beg for.  God wants to pour out His Spirit.  He wants this relationship as an expression of His love.  He is the initiator.  All things begin and end with Jesus Christ.

And Jesus is pouring out His Spirit.  This is not a little trickle.  When you pour out a cup or bowl you get an abundance!  God is not a miser.  He longs to bless us with Himself much more than we can even imagine or desire.  Let this thought sink into your mind and spirit.  God loves you and wants to be with you.

We are now living in the greatest age of the earth because, as Christians, we have free access to God through Jesus Christ anytime and all the time.  This will only be superseded when Christ returns and we enter into the final plan of God for His redeemed.

For more information about Glenn Davis, see our About Glenn page or visit Glenn Davis Books.

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Please note: We no longer have the commenting feature [maybe again in the future].  Joshua Institute students who have questions or comments on their courses can use the contact button and mention the course name and lesson number in the email.  Thank you.  Glenn

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