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God The Creator

All Christians believe God exists and is the Creator of all that exists. He created both the physical universe and the spiritual/angelic universe. While we don’t know for sure how or when God created the angelic universe, we know He created the entire physical universe—except Adam and Eve—by speaking.  His Word is action, always accomplishing precisely what He wants it to.

By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.  Heb. 11:3, NIV

Woman Praising God

God The Creator Of Nature

Mountain Beauty

Think about how amazing our God is.  The largest known star, UT Scuti, is 1,708 times larger than our sun and has a radius of 1.2 billion Km.  By comparison, Earth’s radius at the equator is less than 7,000 km.  The universe is so large we haven’t found even one edge yet!  Our God is so great that He designed every detail and effortlessly spoke it all into existence.  

Our Master Designer also designed the balance of nature on this planet with its variety.  Each animal, bird or fish is perfectly made for its purpose, although we may not have discovered it.  From a Kangaroo to a Lion Fish, it came from the Master's mind.  We are surrounded by natural beauty—the lakes, the mountains, the trees, the oceans, all from His loving hand.

God The Creator Of Human Beings

God created Adam and Eve as the crowning achievement of His work.  He did not speak them into existence but took the time to form them in His Own image individually.  Consider the amazing detail in the human body.  Every second, your body produces 25 million new cells, and there are between 60,000 and 100,000 miles of blood vessels inside you.  And that is just the beginning.  All the time, scientists are discovering new complexities in the human body.  In fact, the body was designed to live forever.  It was a spiritual disobedience called sin that introduced death into a perfect universe.  But more on that in another article.

God the Creator is the Owner of all that is, including every human being.  Humanists rebel against the idea that God owns them.  They want to be the captain of their own ship, the master of their own destiny.  The fact is, they can only do so within the boundaries that God allows them.  One day, we will all stand before God and give an account of our lives from the moment of conception to the moment of death, and we will have to explain every violation of our Owner’s commands.

When Did God The Creator Create?

World In The Hand Of God

Christians have different views on how God created the universe and the earth specifically.  While some genuine Christians have compromised the Bible to cater to evolutionists, a true Biblical worldview holds to a historical view of Genesis.  In other words, the Biblical worldview is that God created the universe and everything in it in six ordinary 24-hour days about 6,000 years ago.  Some Chronologists have calculated this to be 4046 BC.  A Biblical worldview does not have to hold to this exact date, but it will be in the same neighbourhood.  This has been the standard view of Christians until Charles Darwin's idea of evolution became popular.  It was then that Christians suddenly came to discover "long ages" in Scripture that no one had ever seen before.  This undermines the authority of God's Word to make it a servant of so-called science and, at the same time, insults God the Creator.  For a website  that presents the scientific evidence for creation, go to www.creation.com.

God The Creator Designed You

As we bring this to an individual level, God designed you specifically.  He had you in mind before He created the universe.  He knew your name, what you would look like, the time in history you would live in, and His wonderful plans for your life.  You are not an accident, no matter how it may look on the outside.  There is a purpose for your life, a terrific purpose, but only God can reveal it to you.

If you are not a Christian, know that a beautiful relationship with your fantastic Creator is possible.  It is what you were designed for and the only place to find true fulfillment.  You must realize that God is just and holy, and we are not.  Yet God sent His beloved Son to die on our behalf, paying the price for our sins.  You must confess your sin and ask Jesus to become your Lord and Saviour, believing that God raised Him from the dead.  Then, you will be recreated as a child of God.

If you are a Christian, realize that you are God’s most significant and most challenging work of creation.  In you and I, He has taken someone totally degenerate and without any redeemable virtue and has begun the process of recreation to make us into the perfect image of His Son!  That God would love the unloveable so much is absolutely amazing.  Never take it for granted.

For more information about Glenn Davis, see our About Glenn page or visit Glenn Davis Books.

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