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Bible Prophecy End Times

Jesus Christ is the center of and the key to understanding Bible prophecy end times. He alone is the center of all, and all things move in relation to Him. Much of what is written on this topic today centers on Israel, the Anti-Christ, the Beast, and other topics rather than on Jesus. No wonder there is so much confusion today. It is turned into a vast sensationalistic money machine with little or no regard for the Truth. Modern end times prophecy teaching reduces the Holy Scriptures to the level of the weekly tabloids proclaiming "Doomsday" and "End Of The World" in large letters. If I were looking in from the outside, I would take much Bible prophecy end times teaching as seriously as the headline I saw in a tabloid: "WWII Bomber Found On The Moon." It even had pictures! Of course, the Christian doomsday prophets have charts that are supposed to lend credibility to their claims.

Woman Praising God

One of the unfortunate results of this "end of the world" perspective is that fear has been brought into the Christian community through an unbiblical understanding of Bible Prophecy End Times, including the topics of the Beast, the Anti-Christ, doomsday, etc. Christians have been deceived into defeat and tricked into handing the world to the devil since they expect to be raptured out of it at any time. But it is because God so loved the world that He gave His Son...

beautiful world within a world

Some Christians who fall for this are merely trying to escape their God-given responsibilities for this physical world or are seeking present "chills and thrills" at the expense of the Word of God. God is not fooled, nor will He accept excuses.

Yet many sincere disciples of Jesus Christ are caught up in a false understanding of Bible prophecy. They have only heard one view on Bible prophecy end times and related topics. Their studies of the Scripture on Bible prophecy End Times have unintentionally been biased. They are the ones who will read these pages and think and study for themselves. They will be led by the Holy Spirit into Truth - which is simple.

Read the articles below on Bible Prophecy End Times [and take the related Joshua Institute courses] and judge for yourself.

Also, see our video series, Moments In Revelation.

Bible Prophecy End Times

When Are The Latter Days Prophesied In The Bible?

Are "end times" prophecies being fulfilled now, or did Scripture have something else in mind? When are these "last days?"

Who Is The Anti-Christ?

Sincere Christians have proclaimed many evil men throughout history to be this villain. Without exception, these powerful men have failed to become the wicked world rulers many Christians teach and believe this person will become. So, who is this person, and how can we positively identify him?

Daniel's beasts and the destruction of Jerusalem

What Is Revelation About? 

To understand the Book of Revelation, we must understand its central theme.  Millions of people miss it.  Discover the truth in this article.

Who Are The People Of The Prince In Daniel 9:26?

To discover who this prince is [and therefore who his people are], we must gather clues from the context. If we know what time these things will happen, then we can search for a qualifying 'prince.'

Who Is The Beast Of Revelation?

The heinous Beast of Revelation prowls through the last Book of the Bible. Many people have tried explaining who or what this Beast of Revelation is. We will turn to the Holy Scriptures to see the clues it offers us.

When Does The 70th Week Of Daniel Start?

There are strange but popular theories going around today about this question and the events that are to happen within the seventieth week. Let's go to Scripture with an open mind to see what the Holy Spirit says.

What Is The Great Tribulation?

The Great Tribulation is mentioned by Jesus [once] and John [twice]. Debate rages as to when Christians exit the world in relation to this tribulation: pre-trib [Christ returns before], mid-trib [Christ returns halfway through], post-trib [Christ returns after].

What Is The Millennium Reign Of Christ?

Interestingly, the millennium - the 1,000-year reign of Christ - is mentioned in only one place in Scripture and yet tends to be the defining point in end-times beliefs...

The Mystery Of Gog And Magog

Both Ezekiel and John use these two names, Gog and Magog, to represent the enemies of God. The fact that these two Divinely inspired authors do not use the term in the same way reveals they use it as a symbolic term to describe different events.

roman soldiers at Jerusalem

Dangerous Writing Date Of Revelation

If we do not start with the correct date of Revelation, we will misunderstand and misapply most of what Jesus says through John in Revelation...

The False Assumptions Of Dispensationalism

Is God's plan really broken up into different ways of dealing with people at different times? This is a dangerous assumption because it means that God is unpredictable.

The Book Of Signs - 31 Undeniable Prophecies of the Apocalypse

A detailed review of The Book Of Signs by Dr. David Jeremiah.

The Purpose Of Israel In The Bible

What was the purpose of Israel? Why did God choose them? How does what God did in the Old Testament impact the Jews of today? If they were God's special people, then are they still so day?

How Will The World End?

Traditionally, Christians have believed that the world will end in fire at the return of Christ.  Is that really what the Bible teaches?

The Importance Of AD 70

A failure to understand the spiritual and physical events of AD 70 led many to misunderstand certain Scriptures and become vulnerable to false teachers.

Understanding The Key Verse Of Revelation

Correctly understanding one word will change your view of the Book of Revelation.  This word is used 68 times in Revelation, including in the key verse.

Matthew 24: Unraveling the Mystery of 'This Generation'

Jesus told His listeners that the signs He had just listed in Matthew 24 would happen to 'this generation.'  Which generation did He mean?

Should We Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem?

Popular teachers tell us the Bible rewards those who pray for Jerusalem.  Are the right?

The Secret Signs Of The Coming Of Christ Part One

As we look at the real signs of the coming of Christ for the second time, some of you may say, "That's not secret. Why do you call it secret signs?" The answer is simple. I call it secret signs because most of the popular expounders of "end times" doctrine have missed or misapplied them...

The Secret Signs Of The Coming Of Christ Part Two

Also, take the e-mail Courses: The Book Of Revelation and The Seventy Weeks Of Daniel.

For more information about Glenn Davis, see our About Glenn page or visit Glenn Davis Books.

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Please note: We no longer have the commenting feature [maybe again in the future].  Joshua Institute students who have questions or comments on their courses can use the contact button and mention the course name and lesson number in the email.  Thank you.  Glenn

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