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Resources For
Investigating Christianity

Below are quality resources for investigating Christianity.  This is the most critical decision of your life, and it will impact your eternal destiny.  Deep dive into the facts.  Explore.  There are many competing voices out there trying to confuse the issue.  Take your time and do your research, but make it a priority.  Once you pass through death's doorway, it will be too late to change the trajectory of your forever existence.  You have got to get this right.

Woman Praising God

We have many articles on Free Bible Study Lessons to help you.  You can explore them with our search bar, sitemap, or browsing.  You can also find some book reviews on our other website: Glenn Davis Books.  Many of the websites below also offer books that provide more detail than what is available on their websites. If a specific topic concerns you, invest in the resources to answer your questions.  Have an open mind and diligently search for the answers to your questions.  The importance of this cannot be overstressed.  If you find helpful resources in your journey that are not here, let me know, and I may include them in this growing page for the benefit of others.  [Just because I have listed a website doesn't mean I endorse all their content.]

Is Christianity True and
Is The Bible Reliable?

Cold Case Christianity

The Case For Christ

How Does Christianity Compare With Other Philosophies And Cultures?

Cross on a mountain by an ocean

Natasha Crain

Alisa Childers

Finding Truth

Gary North

American Vision Study Guides

Stand To Reason

Vishal Mangalwadi


Gary DeMar

Is Creation Scientific?

scientist looking at microscope

Creation Ministries International 

Answers In Genesis


Alien Intrusion

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Please note: We no longer have the commenting feature [maybe again in the future].  Joshua Institute students who have questions or comments on their courses can use the contact button and mention the course name and lesson number in the email.  Thank you.  Glenn

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