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Great Is The Lord

”Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; and his greatness is unsearchable.” Ps. 145:3

Relax.  Take a deep breath.  Take a moment to be overwhelmed by God's greatness. Sometimes, as we go through life, it is easy to lose our focus. Situations, circumstances and trials can bog us down and cause us to lose—or at least not think about—God's greatness.  Nothing we face is beyond God's ability to handle.  We need to spend time meditating on Who God is.  As the greatness of God fills our minds and hearts, other issues shrink to their proper size.

Woman Praising God

Great Is The Lord

Mountains and Nebula

Our God is all-powerful. He doesn’t just have power; He is power. There is nothing too difficult for Him. With just the words of His mouth, He created all that is. And by His words, all that is created is sustained. There is no power in creation which can successfully oppose God. Satan is self-deluded in pride, as are his followers, both human and spiritual. Their opposition to God only shows the helplessness of their condition. If satan and his forces seem powerful, then we are not looking through spiritual eyes. When we see the truth about our God, fear will vanish.  Great is the Lord.

Great Is The Lord

Our God is all-present. He is totally and completely everywhere at once. This means, of course, that the universe is finite. The universe is so vast that we may never find its end, but it exists in God as a drop of water would exist in the ocean [even the ocean has an end, God does not]. Yet God is everywhere in His creation at once. Nothing, anywhere, happens, but our God is altogether there and in control. God is as present with you as you read this as He is with me as I write it. His presence does not fade or diminish from place to place or time to time. He is the only Being that has this capability.  Great is the Lord.

Great Is The Lord

family in God's hand

Our God is personal. The ever-presence of God has caused some pagans to assume that God must then be an impersonal “force” which holds the universe together [this error was made famous in Star Wars]. But the Bible teaches that God is not only ever-present but also He is a personal Being. Through Jesus Christ, it is possible to know God on an intimate, personal level, of which the ideal marriage is only a tiny, imperfect picture. God and you in a glorious, personal, developing relationship for all eternity! Think about that and be excited!  Great is the Lord.

Great Is The Lord

Our God is eternal. No beginning, no ending. We are eternal in that we have no ending, but we do have a beginning - only God is truly eternal. God is outside of time since time itself is a creation. Not only is God ever-present at this moment, but being eternal, He is ever-presence in all His attributes at every moment of time from its beginning to end. Somehow, in the mystery of God, although we move through time, all times are present with God. God Himself has no past or future. All things are Now. I Am that I Am. Talk about a mind-bender! Great is the Lord.

Great Is The Lord

God is all-knowledge. There is nothing at any time that God does not know. This means there is no progression of knowledge in God, for He knew all things perfectly from all eternity. When we speak of the Plan of Redemption, we are talking from a human perspective, for a “plan” implies something that was worked out. If God had to work out a plan, then there was at some point something He did not know [i.e. it had to be worked out]. God has always known perfectly, effortlessly,  exactly what He would do and how it would work out. [It was confidence in God’s all-knowledge revealed in time through prophecy that allowed Jesus in His human nature to face the Cross confident of victory.] Great is the Lord.


I could go on, but I think I’ll stop. Great is the Lord. Take some time to meditate on God's nature, character, and attributes. It is beyond our comprehension, yet as we think about it, we stand amazed by the wonder and glory of Who God Is. As we get a vision of God, we gain new excitement and purpose for our own lives. This God, through the Holy Spirit, lives inside and through us! Not a part of God, but God Himself, in His completeness, lives in you - if you have been redeemed. Oh, the wonder and greatness of our God!

For more information about Glenn Davis, see our About Glenn page or visit Glenn Davis Books.

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Please note: We no longer have the commenting feature [maybe again in the future].  Joshua Institute students who have questions or comments on their courses can use the contact button and mention the course name and lesson number in the email.  Thank you.  Glenn

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