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Pastor Page

Note: You may direct your Pastor to this page.  You may also want to encourage him/her with a Pastor appreciation poem.

Woman Praising God

Dear Church Leader;

You have one of the most challenging and frustrating, but potentially rewarding “jobs” on the planet. It is our belief that the local church is the key to releasing God’s purposes in our communities and nations. Strong churches build strong families and Godly governments. 

It is our desire at The Joshua Club [i.e. www.free-bible-study-lessons.com] to help you.

How can we be of help?  Being a Pastor requires multitasking at a high level; however, in the specific area of teaching the Word of God we may be able to assist. Below is a list of the ways we may be able to help.

1. You are given permission to duplicate any of our email courses as many times as you need to for your own teaching needs [but not to sell or distribute beyond your local church].  

2. Our free Feed Yourself course trains people in 20 lessons in the basics of how to study the Bible for themselves. As a pastor you know it is vital that Christians know how to study the Bible for themselves. You can duplicate it and run it as a course in your local church OR you can be totally hands-free, cost-free and simply recommend people take the course through our site. Build your people by training them to study the Word of God.

A message to help pastors in their role as Bible teachers.

3. We have developed an e-mail course called Rock Solid. This course takes students through the basics of Christianity covering everything from Who God Is to What Sin Is to The Second Coming to Who Are Angels, and more. They will be guided through studying these subjects in the Bible for themselves. This course will be able to be run as a course in your local church where you can easily note any areas of disagreement OR you can be totally hands-free, cost-free and simply recommend people take the course through our site.

4. Christians should be learning all the time. We have courses which will challenge everyone from New Christians to Mature Christians. You, or your designate, can teach them in your church or simply recommend them to interested persons. [Many of our courses were developed by retired Pastor LeRoy Davis.]

5. Challenge your youth or young adults with the Treasure Hunt through different books of the Bible. Let them search the Scriptures to discover the answers to 100 questions as they move from page to page to reach the final treasure page.

6. Many people struggle with reading English. One of the reasons people want to read is to read the Bible for themselves. Without that ability they must depend only on what others tell them. We can teach our Learn To Read program over the Internet [not free, unfortunately]. The average non-reader or poor reader can learn to read with 30 - 60 hours of instruction even if they have failed with other reading programs.

7. We also have a You-Tube channel with messages from various speakers for your encouragement.  There is a playlist specifically with messages for Christian Leaders.  You can check out the channel by Clicking Here.

8.  We have an expanding page with organizations who help hurting people and people in traumatic situations.  You may want to direct people to them or access their resources for your own ministry.  Resources For The Hurting

9.  If you would like to offer our Joshua Institute courses on your own website, please contact us.

God bless,
Glenn Davis

For more information about Glenn Davis, see our About Glenn page or visit Glenn Davis Books.

Sign up for our free monthly newsletter or take one of our free Bible Study courses.

Please note: We no longer have the commenting feature [maybe again in the future].  Joshua Institute students who have questions or comments on their courses can use the contact button and mention the course name and lesson number in the email.  Thank you.  Glenn

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