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By Rev. LeRoy Davis BSc. and Glenn Davis

Welcome to Old Testament Survey. The benefits you will gain from putting the effort into studying will be richly rewarded by an overview of God’s work in the Old Testament. Sometimes we forget that Jesus, the apostles, and other New Testament Christians had an intimate knowledge of the Old Testament. The New Testament is the completion of the Old Testament, but unless we have a good knowledge of the Old Testament we will miss or misunderstand much of the depth of what was happening in the New Testament. [ Covenants is also a vital course in this regard, taking a detailed look at the plan of God for the ages.]

Woman Praising God

Why is a survey or overview of the Bible in general or a specific book important? Context. If we are going to understand the word of God we must understand context. A person can prove anything they want from the Bible by taking Scripture out of context - i.e. the Devil in the temptation of Christ. The only way to avoid reading into Scripture what we want to find or manipulating it for our own benefit is to understand the context. As much as possible we must know why and when a certain book was written as well as the purpose of the book. Many confusing Scriptures can be cleared up when we understand the overall context in which they were written.

In Old Testament Survey we will take a look at each book of the Old Testament, who wrote it and when. We will also look at the theme and key verse[s]. After that we will give a couple of possible outlines for the Book and then we will review each book section by section. This is an overview of the book so that you understand the basic context not a detailed study of any one book.

Click the lesson below to download the first PDF lesson.  There are twenty-six lessons in all.  In order to access the other lessons, you will need to register and receive a password.  If you do not receive your password within an hour, check your spam/junk mail folder.  There is no cost for registration.  The reason for the registration is so we can have an idea of how many people are taking the course.  You will also receive our Water Of The Word newsletter from which you can unsubscribe at any time.

 The suggested donation for this course is $15.

Old Testament Survey Lessons

Lesson One

Once you have received your password, you can access the rest of the lessons here.

Registration:  Old Testament Survey

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Please note: We no longer have the commenting feature [maybe again in the future].  Joshua Institute students who have questions or comments on their courses can use the contact button and mention the course name and lesson number in the email.  Thank you.  Glenn

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