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Master Life:
A Practical Look At Biblical Law

This world is a swirling torrent of troubled waters with apparently no life line to master life. Even the formerly Christian Western nations are fast being swept over the edge into the raging waters below. Disaster stalks us, threatening to overtake us at every turn because we have forsaken the God of our Salvation.

Woman Praising God

We have demanded to have things our own way, and - God help us - God has allowed us to have it. Even as we are pulled toward a dark destiny of our own choosing, God has not left us without hope. He has thrown out His Life Line. If we will but grab it, He will pull us to safety and again put our feet on solid ground allowing us to master life as He intended. Our civilization can once again shine as a warm, encouraging lighthouse until the brightness of day overtakes it.

boat going over waterfall

What is this way of mastering life, and how can it rescue a world wrapped in the icy waters of despair? And why do so many modern Christians thrash about hopelessly in the swift current rather than grab God's Life Line and work toward God-honouring solutions?

Even with Christians, God's way of mastering life is not a popular subject. What Jesus taught during His earthly time was not popular then, and it is no more popular today. Many Christians neglect, abuse, - and, yes - even hate God's answers to personal and world problems.  They have fallen in love with the world and look to the world and its governments to solve all the issues.  They may criticize a current government, but too often, their solution is simply a change of the government with no anchor in the Word of God.  God is not, and never has been, honoured with lip service.  In His wisdom, He has given us the solutions we need, but not by the methods we want.

The life line God has thrown out for us to grasp is Biblical Law. The mere mention of God's Law sends shudders down the spines of many Christians. At this point, it is crucial to recognize that when I say God's Law is our Life Line, I do NOT mean it is our salvation [this is explained in much more detail in this course]. Salvation from sin and right standing before God is in Christ alone. Nevertheless, God's Law has a VITAL role in mastering life and rescuing the world from disaster.

In this Master Life course, we will examine what Biblical Law is, what it isn't, if it is still valid, what Jesus and the apostles taught about it, how it works with love and grace, and how it works in society. This will not be a detailed study of any particular law, but we will lay the foundation for a good basic understanding of the Law and how it works in modern society.

Why is the Law God's way of mastering life? Isn't it hopelessly outdated? Didn't Jesus and Paul condemn the Law? How could it work today, anyhow?

We will answer these and many other legitimate questions as we work our way through this Master Life course. Never be afraid to ask honest questions. We will search the Scriptures for the answers. For any answer to be believed and accepted, it must be supported by the Word of God in context.

Master Life Lessons

Be sure you complete each assignment before moving on to the next lesson.  Suggestion donation for this course is $5. Note: You may view the first lesson, but to access the rest of the lessons, you must register for the course.  Registration is free.  You may register HERE.  You will also be added to our free monthly Water Of The Word newsletter, although you may unsubscribe at any time.

Jesus holding Ten Commandments

Lesson One

Lesson Two

Lesson Three

Lesson Four

Lesson Five

Lesson Six

Lesson Seven

Lesson Eight

Lesson Nine

Lesson Ten

Lesson Eleven

Lesson Twelve

Lesson Thirteen

Lesson Fourteen

Note:  This course was formerly titled "Life Line" but has been updated with Feed Yourself Assignments.

For more information about Glenn Davis, see our About Glenn page or visit Glenn Davis Books.

Sign up for our free monthly newsletter or take one of our free Bible Study courses.

Please note: We no longer have the commenting feature [maybe again in the future].  Joshua Institute students who have questions or comments on their courses can use the contact button and mention the course name and lesson number in the email.  Thank you.  Glenn

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