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Understanding The End Times

Some people feel so strongly about what they believe is the truth concerning the end times that they focus on very little else.  Their whole Christian life is taken up with the study of charts, current events and 'prophetic' Scriptures.  They will criticize those who believe differently and may even break fellowship with them.  Other Christians consider themselves to be 'panmillennialists'.  They may hold end times views, but they do not focus on them as they believe everything will 'pan' out in the end.  

Woman Praising God

Why Is Understanding The End Times Important?

All true Christians believe that Jesus will one day physically return.  How the Second Coming [or Final Coming] will take place is the question that Christians disagree on.  This should not be a cause for division.  As long as we agree that Jesus is coming again, we should be able to extend love and grace to those who disagree on the 'how.'

Nevertheless, it is important to have a correct end times view as what we really believe will influence how we live our lives.  Some Christians have ruined their lives because of actions taken based on a false end times interpretation.  Others waste time and resources on the 'chills and thrills' of sensationalism while living in fear of the antichrist, the mark of the beast, etc.  Some of these actions are dangerously close to heathen superstition.  

In this course we are going to look at the Scriptures often applied to the End Times in their Scriptural and historical context.  We are going to apply one of the basic rules of Bible interpretation [as we study in Feed Yourself] by asking the question: What did this mean to the original readers?  

This course requires the use of the textbook Raptureless by Dr. Jonathan Welton.  If you do not already have this book, you may purchase here.  The suggested donation for this course is $10.

Understanding The End Times

Recommendations For The Textbook [from the Textbook]

"If we want to fully move into our personal and corporate destiny, it's crucial we understand who we are and where we stand biblically in human history.  Raptureless holds the view that many, if not most, Church Fathers have held - including John Calvin, Charles Surgeon, John Wesley, and Jonathan Edwards."  Jeff Jansen, Senior Leader, Global Fire Church & Global Connect

"In Raptureless, Jonathan has revealed his scholarship and ability to communicate on subjects pertinent to the issues facing today's Church.  Read it and be challenged.  With this much evidence, the reader must make a decision!"  Dr. Harold Eberle, President, Worldcast Ministries and Publishing

Quote From The Textbook

Here are my starting points.

- Every part of the gospel is simple, including the teaching regarding the end times.  If something is too complex for the average person to grasp, then it is being taught wrongly.

- Our view of the future should not cause fear.  No part of the gospel [which literally means "good news"] ever causes fear.

-  Our understanding of the end times determines how we live our lives and whether we plan long-term, build a legacy, prepare our children for a lifetime of service to the Lord, and so forth.  A correct view of the end times will set us free from fear.  It will cause us to have a renewed passion for Jesus rather than an obsession with the antichrist.  Dr. Jonathan Welton, Raptureless


Registration is to let me know how many people are taking this course.  You will also receive our monthly newsletter, Water Of The Word, from which you may unsubscribe at any time.  You may view the first lesson without registering, but all other lessons require a password.  The key to finding the password is sent to your email when you register.  If you have not received your password email within an hour, please check your spam/junk folder.  Note:  You must have the textbook in order to find the password.  God bless.

Registration:  Understanding The End Times


Pictures of bear studying computer and couple sitting on bench looking into the sunset.

Part One
The Past

Lesson OneIntroduction, Chapter One: The Great Tribulation, The Fulfillment Of Matthew 24, The Context, The Destruction Of Jerusalem, Wars And Rumors Of Wars, Earthquakes, Famines, Pestilences, Heavenly Signs, Great Persecution, Cold Love, Gospel Preached In The Whole World, The Beginning Of The War, Time To Flee, Like Lightening

Lesson Two - Chapter One continued:  Woe To The Pregnant, The Remainder Of Matthew 24, Signs In The Sky, Coming On The Clouds, Gathering The Elect, This Generation, No One Knows The Hour, One Taken, One Left, Keep Watch, Summary

Lesson Three - Chapter Two: The AntiChrist

Lesson Four - Chapter Three: The End Of The World

Lesson Five - Chapter Four: Melting Elements

Part Two
The Present
Growing Kingdom

Lesson Six - Chapter Five: The Kingdom Transition 

Lesson Seven - Chapter Six: The Kingdom Without Wrath

Lesson Eight - Chapter Seven: The New Covenant Of Light, Chapter Eight: The Kingdom Now

Part Three
The Future
When Heaven Fills Earth

Lesson Nine - Chapter Nine: The Persecution Mindset, Chapter Ten: The Kingdom Advancing

Lesson Ten - Chapter Eleven: The Return, Resurrection, And Final Judgment, Chapter Twelve: The Rapture

Conclusion Of Part Three plus
Answering Common Questions And Objections

Lesson Eleven - Chapter Thirteen: The Apostolic Mission, FAQ: A Word To Charismatics, The Return Of The Nephilim, The Coming Of Elijah

Lesson Twelve - FAQ: How Did We Get Here? - Origins Of Dispensationalism, The Israel Of God, Statement Of Endtimes Beliefs 

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Please note: We no longer have the commenting feature [maybe again in the future].  Joshua Institute students who have questions or comments on their courses can use the contact button and mention the course name and lesson number in the email.  Thank you.  Glenn

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