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Vision Statement

We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light.  Col. 1:9-12, NIV

Woman Praising God

Mission Statement

The mission statement for Free Bible Study Lessons owned and run by Glenn Davis.

The mission statement of Free Bible Study Lessons is to strength the body of Christ both as individuals and as the Church collective. It is our desire to provide solid Bible teaching/training for Christians as they are actively involved in their local church and engaged in life. Christian learning is not a 3 - 4 year experience, but a life-time of growth.

It is our belief that the glory of the Lord will cover the earth before the Second Coming [Hab. 2:4]. This does not mean that everything will be perfect, but it does speak of true Christianity being the dominate influence around the globe on every level of human existence.

Strong families, strong churches, and strong nations are a result of knowledge of and obedience to the Word of God. It is our mission, in our small way, to spread the knowledge of Christ and Christian principles. Our main audience is not the unsaved. Evangelism is vital, but it is not our focus. Salvation is entering a new world - God's world. We teach more on what it is to be like living in God's world.

In the famous Lord's Prayer, Jesus said,"Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." God's will is done completely and perfectly in heaven. If the Prayer of Jesus is to be effective - as it must be - then God's will must also be done on earth. It is obvious that God's will, in many areas, is not being done on earth. God has given His people a vital role in establishing His will on earth as it is in heaven.

God's will on earth as it is in heaven is not a minority of Christians forcing unpopular laws on an ungodly majority. While we must stand for righteousness - defending the weak and helpless - we cannot force God's will on an unwilling earth. This is why evangelism is the vital first step. It is as the gracious Holy Spirit turns the hearts of the majority in a community, society, or nation to God, that the will of God can be implemented in every area of life. Of course, we are responsible for living according to the will of God and promoting it in every area of life in which we have influence regardless of the condition of society around us.

Part of the problem is that many Christians - actually none of us has perfect vision! - do not know what the will of God is for their families, churches, or nations. They may have a vision of what it should look like, but no idea of how to accomplish it. When we came to Christ our spirit was born again but our mind carried the old baggage and pre-conceived ideas of the old life. Our mind must be renewed by spending time in the presence of God and studying His word. Only then can we discover the true path from where we are to where we should be.

It is our mission statement to help Christians discover the right path, shed wrong ideas, and build positive, Godly families, churches, and nations.

We believe strongly in commitment to the local church. We recognize that the primary way of God's fulfilling and establishing His will on earth is through the local church. There is no other way. Every Christian is to be committed to and working with a local church. Independent resources, such as Free Bible Study Lessons, are to strengthen and support the church in its mission, not detract from it. Churches which do not have a local training program can use our courses easily. 

Let the will of God be done on earth to the glory of His Name and the benefit of all mankind and nature.


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Please note: We no longer have the commenting feature [maybe again in the future].  Joshua Institute students who have questions or comments on their courses can use the contact button and mention the course name and lesson number in the email.  Thank you.  Glenn

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