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War Horse Or Work Horse -
Which Are You?

"And the LORD shewed me four carpenters.  Then said I, What come these to do? And he spake, saying, These are the horns which have scattered Judah, so that no man did lift up his head: but these are come to fray them, to cast out the horns of the Gentiles, which lifted up their horn over the land of Judah to scatter it."  Zechariah 1:20-21

    Horns in Scripture represent power, often powerful or world nations.  When Zechariah was writing Judah was nearing the end of their seventy year captivity is Babylon.  The "horn" of Babylon had charged them and dispersed them.  It is very important to see what happens next.

Woman Praising God

     God did not promise to send in another horn to destroy the Babylonian horn.  There was not going to be military battle to oust the enemies.  That is our way.  We think we must win a power struggle with more power.  If we are faced with little guns, we want to bring in bigger guns.  Did God do it that way?  No, God sent in carpenters, craftsman, regular normal workmen.

    The kingdom of God does have some "horns," some powerful figures - war horses.  Mighty men and women of God who are commissioned to charge the front lines.  We admire them, sometimes wish we were like them.  Some, like Billy Graham, accomplish much good and finish their race.  Others, include one just recently, get knocked out.  People who have had they eyes set on such a war horse often then become disillusioned and sometimes even drop out altogether themselves.  The enemies of Christ laugh and think they have won a great battle and crippled Christianity.

    But God has a different plan.  Yes, war horses are a part of it and they can and should live successful Christian lives, but God has made most of His people work horses.  These are the "carpenters."  They put their shoulder to the wheel and push.   They keep working in good times and in bad times.  Sometimes it seems to them that they take one step forward and three steps backward - but not in God's eyes.  You can knock these people down but they get up again and keep going.  You can laugh at them, but they don't give up.  These are the unsung heroes of the Church.  Some may gain fame, but most just keep working away unknown.  They often don't think they are important.

    You will find them everywhere.  They are faithful to their family.  They are hardworking for their employer.  They tithe and give of their time to the Church.  You can depend on them.  It is the work horses, more than the war horses that God uses to establish His kingdom.  The kingdom of darkness is shattered by carpenters who just won't stop building.  No matter what Satan tries he can't stop millions of determined workers, giving their lives in small ways, for the kingdom of God.  Faithfulness, determination, construction.  The Media won't highlight these people, but God will on judgment day when rewards are given.

    You see, the Kingdom of Heaven is not just about the "Church."  It is establishing the rule of God on earth.  It is putting into practical effective the victory won by Christ.  This is done by living God's way in every area of life.  The work horse is not a workaholic, but a faithful person who loves his family, works for his or her employer with integrity, and honours God in all things.

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