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The Requirement Of God

What is God's fundamental requirement for our lives? What is this Christian life all about anyway? Micah gives us three points to reveal the requirement of God for His people.  Nothing worthwhile comes easy.  Building a solid relationship with God and a solid life will take time and effort.  No one just "happens" to find themself on a mountaintop.  They plan and work to get there.  The principles are not complicated, but they will take courage to implement.

“He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8 [NASB]

Woman Praising God

Requirement Of God
1.  Do Justice

Policewomen running down alley

God loves justice and hates injustice. The Bible talks more about holiness than it does about love.  God is righteous and holy and loves to see His children doing what is right, even when it appears to be to their disadvantage. As we study Biblical Law, we see God’s standard of righteousness and how far short we fall. God wants us to learn, follow and promote His standards in our lives, in our families, in our churches, and our nations. God is God over all.  There is no area of human existence that escapes His notice and His requirements.  Because we are human, we all fail to measure to God's perfect standard of justice, but with the help of the Holy Spirit, we should march in the right direction.

We hear much talk about justice in our nations today, but more often than not, it is man’s “justice” and not God’s justice that is being talked about. When criminals walk free and innocent citizens live behind bars or in fear, when millions of murders are made “legal,” when unjust lawsuits play havoc with businesses, when confused children and adults are legally drugged and mutilated, when churches are divided over whether homosexuals should be ordained, when families are ripped apart with unfaithfulness, divorce, and abuse, the justice of God is not being upheld. In whatever sphere of influence God has given us, we should stand for His justice, not man’s justice or our personal preferences.  If we would walk with God, we must walk in holiness and promote true justice.

Requirement Of God
2.  Love Kindness [Mercy - KJV]

This requirement is what keeps us from becoming legalistic Pharisees. The Pharisees knew the Word of God perhaps better than any other Jewish group in the days of Jesus, but they failed to meet the requirement of God. They loved to crack the whip to make others toe the line [of course, they were exempt!] not only to the Law of God but also their own hundreds of add-on regulations. However, God is not interested in harsh, self-righteous justice. If that were the case, He would not have brought about the plan of Redemption but would have terminated human history with Adam at the Fall.

God requires that we love kindness and mercy. We do not compromise the justice of God, but we seek to lead people to repentance. Our mission is to restore not only people but also institutions. All must be brought loving back to the visible Lordship of Jesus Christ. No legitimate area of life is exempted; everything must meet the requirement of God. We love it when people repent, return, and are restored to their proper place in Christ Jesus. We should treat others with kindness, respect, and honour...even when they don’t deserve it. After all, that’s how God treated us; we certainly don’t deserve it either!

Child walking with Jesus

Requirement Of God
3.  Walk Humbly With Your God

Most importantly, God created us to have fellowship with Him. He loves it when we spend time with Him, showing Him that He is important to us in actions, not just words. He wants to have that friendship that only comes with time. A daily, constant walk with Him is His desire [and no, I’m not there yet; I get busy, forget, and allow other priorities to come in...]. But the call is to come, come to the secret place, come to the presence of God, come, come... Make a daily appointment to meet with God and consider it as important as meeting with your boss or the doctor.  Don't miss it!  Don’t stand outside looking in; come. He wants YOU in His embrace.

Our walk with God is a walk of humility. We have nothing to be proud of. He gave us everything we have. We can only give Him what He first gave us. There should be no pride in that [and also no shame]. As delighted children, let’s drop our masks, pretensions, and fears. Let’s take His hand and walk with Him. We can be ourselves; that is, after all, who He created us to be.

For more information about Glenn Davis, see our About Glenn page or visit Glenn Davis Books.

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