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Christ In Every Book
Of The Bible

Author Unknown
[quoted in Bible Study Methods] 

Christ In Every Book Of The Bible
Old Testament

Christ is the central theme of the Bible. Every book of the Bible reveals something more about our glorious Saviour. Jesus is Creator, Sustainer and the Reason for all creation.  You and I were designed for His pleasure, not our own - a blow to our humanistic pride.  We will never find true joy and fulfillment until we learn to fulfill the role for which we were created.  The Scriptures reveal some aspects of Christ in every book of the Bible.  We will never know it all!

He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation: for by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones, or dominions, or rulers, or authorities—all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. Col. 1:15-17, NASB

Below you will discover Christ in every book of the Bible, although I am sure you will be able to find more attributes of Christ in each book with some thought and study!

Christ is found in every book of the Bible.

Genesis - Creator, Seed of the Woman, Ark of Salvation

Exodus - Passover Lamb, Deliverer, High Priest

Leviticus - High Priest, Sacrifice, Way of Approach to God

Numbers - Pillar of Cloud by Day, Pillar of Fire by Night, Tabernacle, Smitten Rock, Star out of Jacob

Deuteronomy - Prophet Like Moses, Law Giver

Joshua - Captain of our Salvation, Victorious Leader

Judges - Judge and Law-Giver, Deliverer

Ruth - Kinsman-Redeemer, Lover, Protector

Woman Praising God

I Samuel - Anointed Prophet and Priest, True Claimant to Scepter of Judah, Throne of David and Everlasting Kingdom

II Samuel - Son of David, Greater David

Lion Of The Tribe Of Judah

I Kings - Only Perfect King, Greater Solomon, Builder of God's Temple

II Kings - Perfect King, Man of God, Word of God

I Chronicles - Reigning King

II Chronicles - Perfect King, Priest and Prophet

Ezra - Faithful Scribe, Builder and Restorer of the Church

Nehemiah - Rebuilder of the Broken Walls, Governor of the Church, Restorer and Protector

Esther - Our Mordecai, Advocate

Job - Ever-Living Redeemer

Psalms - Our Shepherd, All in All, Beloved of God, Our Rock, Our Fortress

Proverbs - Wisdom of God

Ecclesiastes - Wisdom of God, Preacher, Son of David, King of Jerusalem

Song of Solomon - Perfect Lover and Bridegroom, King of Peace

Isaiah - Messiah, Holy One of Israel, Prince of Peace, Salvation, Righteousness, Comfort, Judge

Jeremiah - Righteous Branch, Lord our Righteousness

Lamentations - Man of Sorrows, Weeping Prophet

Ezekiel - Four-Faced Man, Son of Man Sent to Rebellious Israel

Daniel - Fourth Man in the Fiery Furnace, Smitten Stone that Fills the Earth, King of kings

Hosea - Patient Bridegroom, Healer of the Backslider

Joel - Baptizer with the Holy Spirit, Deliverer, Judge

Amos - Burden-Bearer, Heavenly Bridegroom, Judge

Obadiah - Saviour, Judge, Executor of Divine Retribution

Jonah - Foreign Missionary, One Greater than Jonah

Micah - Messenger with Beautiful Feet, Rejected King

Nahum - Avenger, Stronghold in the Day of Trouble, Prophet of Comfort and Vengeance

Habakkuk - God of My Salvation, Judge of Babylon, Rewarder of Those Who Seek Him

Zephaniah - Lord Mighty to Save, Executor of Judgment

Haggai - Prophet, Priest and King, Builder of the House of the Lord

Zechariah - Righteous Branch, Yahweh's Servant, Smitten Shepherd, King-Priest

Malachi - Sun of Righteousness, Messenger of the New Covenant, Refiner, Purifier of His People

Christ In Every Book Of The Bible
New Testament

Jesus, Son of God, Son of Man

Matthew - Son of David, Head of the Church, Saviour

Mark - Suffering Servant of Yahweh, Mighty King

Luke - Son of Man, Sympathetic High Priest, Saviour

John - Son of God, One Who Brings Eternal Life

Acts - One Sitting at the Right Hand of God, Prince of the Kings of the Earth

Romans - Lord our Righteousness, Justifier, Redeemer, Saviour

I Corinthians - Foundation of the Church, Unifier, Great Sacrifice, Resurrected One, Coming Lord

II Corinthians - Son of God, One Who Anoints, Reconciler

Galatians - Great Redeemer, Seed of Abraham, Liberator

Ephesians - Heavenly King, Reconciler, Head of the Body, Giver of Ministry Gifts

Philippians - Source of the Fruits of Righteousness, One Equal with God Who Humbled Himself, Coming One

Colossians - Pre-eminent One, Redeemer in the Image of God

I Thessalonians - Risen Lord, Coming King

II Thessalonians - Coming King, Great Judge, Faithful One

I Timothy - Enabler Who Ministers, Mediator, God in the Flesh, King of kings

II Timothy - Victor Over Death, Resurrected Seed of David>BR>

Titus - One Who Appoints the Leaders in the Church, Coming Saviour

Philemon - Controller of the Destiny of His Servants

Hebrews - Son and Image of God, Captain and Author of Our Salvation, Apostle and High Priest

James - Unchangeable Father, Wisdom of God, Husbandman, Coming Lord

I Peter - One Who was Resurrected, Chief Cornerstone

II Peter - Saviour, Coming One, Deliverer

I John - Word of Life, Advocate, Propitiator, Messiah

II John - Son of God, God Come in the Flesh

III John - Truth, One Who is Good

Jude - Preserver, Coming Judge, Merciful One

Revelation - Coming One, Beginning and End, Son of Man, Great Judge, Lion of Judah, Conquering One, Lamb, Bridegroom, Faithful, True, Word of God

I trust you have been inspired by this look at Christ in every book of the Bible.  Start your search today!  Discover more about our Glorious Lord and Saviour.

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