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Why Do Heresies Invade The Church?

For first of all, when ye come together in the church, I hear that there be divisions among you; and I partly believe it. For there must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you.” 1 Cor. 11:18-19

The Apostle Paul, in his letter to the Corinthians, makes a puzzling and confusing statement when he declares that “there must be heresies among you.”  A heresy is not simply a disagreement over how a section of Scripture should be interpreted.  These are beliefs and teachings that undermine the fundamental doctrines of Christianity.  If a heresy is true, then Christianity is false.  It is that serious.

Woman Praising God

Examples Of Heresies

Paul Preaching To A Crowd

The devil promoted the first heresy in the Garden of Eden when he flatly contradicted what God had said.  Most heresies are more subtle than direct contradiction.  Instead, they twist Scriptures to their own meaning, making it sound legitimate. 

For example, a popular heresy is the belief that good works have a role to play in our salvation or getting to heaven.  Paul faced this many times with the Judaizers in the New Testament, who thought that keeping the Law would help earn their salvation.  Today, many non-Christians hold to the erroneous thought that by being good, they will somehow get into heaven.  Even 36% of polled self-confessed evangelical Christians said that their good deeds will be partly responsible for their place in heaven.  While how faithfully we obeyed Christ will impact our reward level, it has nothing to do with our salvation or getting to heaven.  The Bible is clear that salvation is totally a work of God with no part - no matter how small - played by man.

In line with this false teaching, some Christians believe that Jews will be saved [either now or in the millennium] because of their national heritage.  They may not put it as bluntly as that, but if you search out the base of what they teach, that is the only conclusion.  Salvation from the Fall of Adam to forever is only by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Believers in the Old Testament period looked forward to Christ’s atonement.  Believers, after the Resurrection, look back to Christ’s atonement.  There has been and never will be another way of salvation.

Another popular heresy revolves around the nature of Christ.  In Paul’s day, the common false teaching was that Christ was not really human - He only appeared human.  Today, more people struggle with the idea that Christ is Divine.  Both extremes are terribly wrong.  Every cult and false religion trips itself up on one extreme or the other.  The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ was fully God and fully man - two separate natures in one Person.  We cannot fully understand all this means, but we accept it because the Bible teaches it.

The Divine Purpose

Preacher In Pulpit

Why would God allow heresies to appear and even grow within His church?  What sense does that make?  Won’t innocent people be deceived and led astray?  To understand this, we must consider the purpose of trials, temptations, and disagreements as we examine the lives of great men and women of God.  How does God use these things?

Challenges and problems in various areas of life strike at each Christian on their earthly journey.  We don’t like them.  We try to avoid them.  Sometimes, we think God is angry with us when we go through trials.  Yet that is not the case.  Every child of God faces difficulties, including discerning Truth from error.

Why are heresies part of these trials and temptations?  God only allows things which are to our benefit.  When contradictory or suspicious teachings come to the surface, they should force us into the Word of God with more intensity.  We should search the Word of God for Truth and the ability to denounce and expose error.  This comes as a refining fire to burn away impurities in our lives and belief systems so that we can become more like Christ.

The Testimony Of Experience

Throughout history, from Old Testament prophets to New Testament apostles to modern men and women of God, every servant of Jehovah has faced monumental challenges.  Joseph was betrayed by his brothers, Moses contended with continuous rebellion from within his own camp, and King Saul relentlessly pursued David.  Even Jesus face constant opposition from religious leaders of His time.

The most tragic aspect of this is that many times, these attacks and criticisms came from within the Christian [or Jewish in the Old Testament] community.  These attackers believed they were defending sacred traditions and doctrines but were, in fact, opposing God’s chosen messengers.  Even Peter fell into this trap.  He thought he knew the will of God for the life of Jesus.  When Jesus began talking about His coming suffering and death, Peter rebuked Him.  Jesus sternly put him in his place [Matt. 16:23].  This illustrates how even well-meaning individuals can become unwitting instruments in the enemy’s hands.  Although some have nefarious intent, many people who spread heresies are excitedly sharing what they think is true, unaware of its deadly undercurrents.

The Test Of Loyalty

Sword On Open Bible

Why does God allow these heresies to spring up?  “...that they which are approved may be manifest.” God values true character and integrity highly.  When false teaching springs up, especially if friends or popular teachers promote it, we discover if we are loyal to the Truth.  Are we in Christianity for self-gratification, or do we honour God and His chosen servants above our desires?  It is when these questions and troubles come that we find out the actual state of people’s hearts.  Anyone can be loyal and faithful when everything is going their way.  But what happens when the Truth of God’s Word cuts across their cherished beliefs?

When heresies arise, God will raise up Godly men and women to expose them and declare the Truth of God’s Word.  Are we willing to test all teaching by the standard of the Word of God in context and follow those who are showing themselves approved by God?  Or will we follow the teachers and teaching that appeals to our flesh?  Will our lives become a shipwreck, or will we hold firm to the Rock of the Truth?

This cuts to the root of one of the greatest heresies in the church of our day: pragmatism.  Pragmatism’s basic idea is that if something is working, then it must be right.  Experience and practicality determine right and wrong in any situation.  If it works, do it.  True Christianity rejects this heathen idea.  The Word of God alone determines right and wrong.  Sometimes, following the Word of God does not seem to work or lead to success.  It can get you fired.  It can mean the loss of family and friends.  It can even mean a martyr’s death.  But it is the only standard of right and wrong.

Know The Word Of God For Yourself

Man Studying The Bible

And He gave some as apostles, some as prophets, some as evangelists, some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the building up of the body of Christ; until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ. As a result, we are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of people, by craftiness in deceitful scheming; but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, that is, Christ, from whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by what every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love. Eph. 4:11-16, NASB

Let us firmly oppose all heresies and loyally follow Christ and the men and women He has approved to lead us.  Let us dig into the Word of God for ourselves. 

Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers. 1 Tim. 4:6, NIV

God has given us His Word.  He holds us responsible for knowing and correctly applying it.  Let us be faithful servants as we follow Christ and those He has placed over us.

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