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Are You In Full Time Ministry?

Full time ministry is often considered a goal or a "real" ministry.  We think of the Pastor, the Evangelist, or people in similar roles as ministers working for God.  Sometimes, we aspire to these roles because we want to serve God and be effective in the Kingdom of God.

”For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God has prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” [Eph. 2:10]

When you think of your Christian life, what do you think of your service? Do you see yourself as just trying to get through life, as you struggle with everyday problems, not much different from anyone else? Would you consider yourself to be in full time ministry?

Woman Praising God

Most of us would probably say, “No.” However, I have good news: if you are a Christian, you are in full time ministry. Godly service is now your lifestyle, whether you realize it or not. You may think, “Well, I attend church and help out when I can.” That’s not what I’m talking about. Everything you do is ministry. Relating the love of God to your spouse, children, or grandchildren is ministry. Taking good care of the home is ministry. Being faithful and productive on the job - whatever it is - is ministry. You are a minister to everyone you come in contact with each day. It may be having coffee with your neighbour or smiling and praying for the person who curses and teases you at work. You are in full time ministry.

construction worker praying

Full Time Ministry

God has designed our lives to be ones of ministry [or service]. Too often, we think of ministry as pastor, teacher, evangelist, etc. No, those people [and others] are to train us to be ministers in our everyday lives and circumstances. Ministry is not some “spiritual” elite thing. It is a natural part of our lives. We do it often without thinking about it or realizing we are doing it!

God has given us gifts and tools to use in the area of ministry He has given us. Some churches believe these tools no longer exist [i.e., they died out with the apostles]. More often, churches imply, intentionally or unintentionally, that these gifts/tools are only for use in the church. Nothing could be further from the truth. Because of this, many Christians feel that they must use gifts in the church setting or not at all.

When do you need a Word of Wisdom most? When you are sitting in a church pew or answering your children’s questions about sex and drugs? When do you need the gift of Faith most? When you are listening to a sermon or wondering how to pay your tithes and most of the bills? When do you need the gift of Healing most? In the church or when a fellow worker - yes, even an unbeliever! - slices his hand open at work? I think you get the idea. It's not that they are wrong in the church setting, but their MAIN use is out there in your everyday life. We need to change our thinking.


Your full time ministry and using your spiritual gifts are not some “spooky” emotional or spiritual “I have to work myself up for this” type of thing. They are not something to be scared of. They are very natural.

You and I are spirits living in a body. Everything we do is spiritual in some sense of the word. Yes, gifts/tools have to be developed,  and we will be more able to use some tools than others, but we need to trust God that He will give us what He wants us to have at the moment of need. Peter didn’t walk on water before Christ called him. As far as I know, he never walked on water again either; however, in God’s timing, he walked on water. You and I need to go out into our world, our sphere of influence, trusting that in God, when we have to “walk on water,” He will give us the ability to do so.

Once again, this is not some “Ok, everybody clear back, I’m going to do ministry” type of thing. It is a kind thought or act. A smile. A cheerful attitude. Helping people [believers and unbelievers]. And trusting that when a special situation arises, the power of God is in you to release whatever is needed at the time. You are in full time ministry.

Look at Jesus. He was very natural, and there was nothing “spooky” about Him. God the Father gave Him whatever He needed when He needed it. And the ungodly - those who most need to see and feel the love of God - liked Him!

This is meant as a word of encouragement. You are already doing ministry, but you may have felt that because it is not in the church building, it is not “real” ministry. Nonsense. As a child of God, you can minister wherever you are and to whomever you are with. It’s natural. And you have all the resources of God Himself to meet every need that arises around you [you’ll understand this better if you take the Making A Blood Covenant course]. Just be yourself and let God love through you.

For more information about Glenn Davis, see our About Glenn page or visit Glenn Davis Books.

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Please note: We no longer have the commenting feature [maybe again in the future].  Joshua Institute students who have questions or comments on their courses can use the contact button and mention the course name and lesson number in the email.  Thank you.  Glenn

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