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Biblical Womanhood

In the pages of the Word of God, we meet courageous and faith-filled Biblical women who were wives and mothers, spies and warriors, humanitarians and prophets, wise and naive.  Not all these women are what a person would naturally think of as Biblical womanhood!  Evil women also roam the Bible's pages who were murderous and self-centred, treacherous and twisted.  Yet, we can learn Biblical lessons from each example of women in the Bible.  These women of the Bible provide life-building examples for all Christians - male and female.  From some, we will be inspired and learn what to do.  From others, we will be repulsed and know what not to do.  But from all, we will learn something - if we keep an open mind.

Woman Praising God

The Scripture gives Biblical womanhood a place of honour without blurring the God-given differences between men and women.  Societies that have followed Christian principles have been societies where women have enjoyed the most freedom, respect and protection.  It is a sad fact that almost all non-Christian societies [including corrupted Christian societies] devalue women.  I suspect this may be because Satan has a special hatred for women - one of whom was promised to bring the Seed into the world who would destroy him [Gen. 3:15]. 

woman reading and woman from the Bible

And I will put enmity

Between you and the woman,

And between your seed and her Seed;

He shall bruise your head,

And you shall bruise His heel.” Gen. 3:15, NKJV

Or as the Message Bible puts it:

I’m declaring war between you and the Woman,

    between your offspring and hers.

He’ll wound your head,

    you’ll wound his heel.”

Of course, the Ultimate Seed or Offspring is Jesus Christ, Who destroyed Satan’s power by going to the cross on our behalf.  Satan hates Jesus, His people [Christians] and the instrument [Mary specifically and women in general] who brought the Person Who destroyed him into the world.  

It is beyond tragic how women have been treated throughout history and in many places in the world today.  They are treated as second-class citizens - or even as almost slaves - despised and used with little rights.  Even in North America, rape victims are often - in and out of court - made to feel as if it were their fault the assault happened - in direct contradiction to Biblical Law.  Women are often paid less for doing the same job as men.  And so on…

soldier in battle

Sometimes, these unGodly attitudes creep into how we read and understand the Bible and its teachings on Biblical womanhood.  Jesus, Who broke the traditions of the corrupt Jewish society in which He lived, treated women as equals, ministering to them and even giving them the honour of being the first witnesses to the most significant event in the history of the world - the resurrection. Many people do not realize how amazing it was to have women as witnesses to the resurrection because the Jewish court would not accept women as witnesses.  But that didn't stop Jesus!  An Old Testament woman was also the first person to prophesy about the coming Messiah.  In Old Testament society, men were not too proud to listen to prophetesses' words or accept women's help. People who claim the Bible puts women down or marginalizes them, have not read it with understanding.

Biblical Womanhood

middle eastern woman

The growing list of articles below focuses on women in the Bible and the things we can all learn from their lives.  They are a diverse group, from Jael, the assassin, to Mary, the mother of Jesus.  Some of these women risked their lives to stand with God's people.  Others risked rejection to show their love for Jesus.  Their ages vary as well from pre-teens to grandmothers.  And evil women, like Deliah, prowl across the pages of Holy Scripture, too.  The Bible is an honest book

Click on the name for an overview of the specific Biblical woman’s life as recorded in Scripture, and click on the articles under her name for various lessons we can learn from her life.  The examples given us in Scripture of Biblical womanhood hold treasures for all of us to learn from and be inspired with.  

 The Lives And Lessons Of Biblical Women

Eve - Hannah - Jael - Mary Magdalene - Mary, The Mother Of Jesus, Rahab, Rebekah, Ruth, Sarah, Other Women In The Bible, Evil Women In The Bible


.....Evil Is Good

.....Heart Of Sin

.....Temptation Of Eve


.....Anointed One

.....Handling Deep Pain

.....Spiritual Gifts For Ordinary Christians

.....Ultimate Trust


.....Blessed Among Women

.....The Deceptions Of Jael

.....God's Assassin

.....Loyalty To God

.....Solving Problems

Mary Magdalene

….A Devoted Disciple

Mary, Mother Of Jesus

.....God Loves A Willing Heart

.....Mary, Child Of Grace

.....What Is The Relation Of Mary To Prayer?


.....No Good Choices

.....Rahab's Decision

.....Sovereignty Of God, The

.....Treason: The Inescapable Choice

.....Undercover Courage

.....The Faith Of Rahab

.....Courage Under Siege


.....Bride Of Christ

.....Heart Of A Servant

.....Playing Favourites


.....Value Of Loyalty, The


.....Living With Disappointment

.....Protected By God

Other Women In The Bible

.....Great Love Of A Sinful Woman, The

.....Greatest Gift, The

.....Hagar: God Sees, God Cares

.....Jochebed: An Impossible Problem Solver

.....Naaman's Slave Girl:  Be A Blessing

.....Naaman's Slave Girl: No Miracle

.....Ruth: The Value Of Loyalty

.....Woman With The Issue Of Blood: Daughter Of God

.....Only The Best Will Do

Evil Women In The Bible

.....Samson And Delilah The Manipulator

Also see an interesting article on Crosswalk: 10 Women In The Bible Who Exceeded Expectations.

For more information about Glenn Davis, see our About Glenn page or visit Glenn Davis Books.

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