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Loving Jesus

This stream looks at the love relationship between a Christian and Jesus.  Christianity is not a system of religious rules or a lifestyle.  It is real relationship with the risen and alive Jesus Christ.  Knowing and loving Jesus is an ongoing and growing relationship that will last throughout eternity.

Woman Praising God

Brook One

Jesus loves you.  It is his desire to build a relationship with you that will last for eternity!

The Divine Lover

We need to learn how much Jesus loves us and how we can love Him.

Eddy One

Do you have doubts about the love of God for you?  Or would you just like assurance?  Take this short email course to discover God’s Love for you.  NOTE:  This is no longer offered as a course but given as a birthday present.  If you have a birthday any time this year :), you can download a complimentary PDF copy below or you can purchase the full book on Amazon.

How To Know For Sure God Loves You

Brook Two

We are the Bride of Christ.  A healthy marriage relationship is but a dim picture of what Jesus desires for our relationship with Him.  When He returns He is looking for a bride.

Bride Of Christ

Brook Three

It should be a joy to serve our Bridegroom.  No husband is impressed with a grumpy, spoiled wife!  [And, yes men, you have to picture yourself on the other side of things, as a Bride.]

God Loves A Willing Heart

Christians Of The Pierced Ear

Brook Four

As a Bride with our Divine Bridegroom, we need to enter the Secret Place where we can get to know one another and grow in our love.

The Secret Place

Eddy Two

This easy reading email course looks at 1 Cor. 13 and examines how God loves us and how we love God.

13 Points Of Love

Brook Five

Worship is how we show our love for our Divine Lover.

Brook Six

Every Bride wants to look gorgeous for her Husband-to-be.  Take a look at how Jesus sees you!

Beautiful For The King

Brook Seven

Jesus doesn’t care about out past.  It is forgiven.  He wants us to leave it behind and move into a new relationship with Him.

The Great Love Of A Sinful Woman

Brook Eight

Sometimes we are afraid to reach out to Jesus, afraid He will reject us.  He will never too that.  His eyes of love are on you.  Just reach out and touch Him.

Woman With The Issue Of Blood:  Daughter Of God

Brook Nine

There are six messages in this excellent series.  He are the first two.  The rest can be found under Judson Cornwall on the Sermon Videos page.

Brook Ten

Anne Graham Lotz has written several books on being in love with Jesus.  Here are quotes from one of them.

Magnificent Obsession Quotes

Note: If you purchase one of these books from these links I will make a commission.  Disclosure Policy

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Please note: We no longer have the commenting feature [maybe again in the future].  Joshua Institute students who have questions or comments on their courses can use the contact button and mention the course name and lesson number in the email.  Thank you.  Glenn

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