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Bible History
From Entering Canaan
To King Saul
470 years

Dates in Green - 106E0A - are from Mauro, dates in blue - 094680 - are from Ussher and dates in red - 690404 - are from other sources.  There are two dates given with both Mauro and Ussher.  The first date is the number of years since creation and the second date is the BC/AD date.

[#]  = # in [] following a name is their age at time of the event

          [T#]  =  amount of time of the event, i.e. oppression of Eglon [T40] means Eglon oppressed Israel 40 years

          [-date] = The date the reign or event ended if different from beginning date

  SP = spring, SU = summer, AU = autumn, WI = winter

This is a difficult era for chronology.  As you will see Mauro and Ussher have some disagreements especially on the dates of Eli and Samuel.

Woman Praising God

[2553/1493 - 2553/1451] - 14th day, 1st month..Israel enters Canaan - Jos. 5:10 

[———————-2553/1451SP] - God confirms Joshua's leadership - Jos. 1:1-9

                      -    Spies sent - Jos. 2:1-24

                      - 10th day, 1st month...enter Canaan - Jos. 3:1-5:9  

[2553/1493————————-] - 14th day, 1st month..1st Passover in Canaan - Jos. 5:10-12

                       - Jericho taken - Jos. 5:13-6:27  

                       - Achan's sin and Ai - Jos. 7:1-8:29

                       - Book of the Law read - Jos. 8:30-35

[———————-2553/1451SU] - Kings of Canaan unite except for Gibeonities - Jos. 9:1-10:27  

[———————-2554/1451AU] - Israelities begin to farm, the sabbatical years are calculated from this year - Ex. 23:10-11, Lev. 25:2-7, Deut. 15:1-9, 31:10

[—————————2554/1450] - Other Canaan kings unite and fight against Joshua for a period of 6 years - Jos. 11:1-18

[2559/1487 - 2559/1445SP] - Joshua divides land - Jos. 13:1-17:18

[————————-2559/1445SU] - Caleb takes Hebron - Jos. 14:5, 10-13 

                         - Joshua attackes Malledah, Libnah, Lachish, Gezar, Eglon, Hebron, Debir, etc. - Jos. 10:28-11:17

[———————--2560/1445AU] - First Sabbatical year - from this year the Jubilee was calculated - Lev. 25:8-13

                        - Set up the tabernacle at Shiloh - Jos. 18:1 

                        - Rest of the land divided - Jos. 18:1-19:51

[————————2560/1444SU] - 48 Cities of Refuge chosen - Jos. 20:1-21:45

                        - Misunderstanding about the altar - Jos. 22:1-34

[————————--2561/1443] - Joshua builds city of Timnathserah and lives there until he dies at 110. - Jos. 23:1, 24:29-30

[2573/1473 - 2591/1413SU] - Servitude under Cushan [T8] - Jud. 2:7-10, 3:6-8

[———————-2599/1405SU] - Othniel delivers - Jud. 3:9-11  

[———————-2609/1396AU] - First Jubilee

[2553/1493 - 2658/1347AU] - Second Jubilee

[2621/1425 - 2661/1343SU] - Oppression by Eglon [T18] - Jud. 3:12-14

[2639/1407 - 2679/1325SU] - Ehud delivers - Jud. 3:15-30

[2719/1327 - 2699/11305SU] - Oppression by Jabin - Jud. 4:1-3

[————————-2707/1298AU] - Third Jubilee

[2779/1267 - 2719/1285SU] - Barak delivers - Jud. 4:1-5:31 

[—————————2737/1267] - Assyrian Empire founded

[2786/1260 - 2752/1252SU] - Oppression by Midian [T7] - Jud. 6:1

[———————-2756/1249AU] - Fourth Jubilee

[2826/1220 - 2759/1245SU] - Gideon [T40] delivers - Jud. 6:1-8:28

[———————-2768/1236SU] - Abimelech kills his brothers - Jud. 9:1-5, 18, 24, 56

[———————-2769/1236AU] - Abimelech made king - Jud. 9:1-57

[———————-2771/1233SU] - Abimelech killed by a milstone - Jud. 9:50-57, 2 Sam. 11:21

[2829/1217 - 2772/1233AU] - Tola [T23]judges

[——————— 2790/1214SU] - Eli born - 1 Sam. 4:15

[2852/1194 - 2795/1210AU] - Jair [T22] judges - Jud. 10:1-3

[2874/1172 - 2799/1206AU] - Ammon/Philistines oppress [T18] - Jud. 10:8

[———————2805/1200AU] - Fifth Jubilee

[2805/1200?—————————] - First known inhabitants settle on Patmos

[About 2805/1200?—————-] - Celts settle in Britain from Gaul

[2892/1154 - 2817/1188AU] - Jair dies - Jud. 10:5

                       - Jephthah [T6] - Jud. 10:17, 11:1-12:7

[———————--2820/1184SP] - Troy destroyed by the Greeks

[2898/1148 - 2823/1182AU] - Jephthah dies

                      - Ibzan [T7] - Jud. 12:7-9

[2905/1141 - 2830/1175AU] - Ibzan dies

                       - Elon [T10] - Jud. 12:10-11

[2915/1131 - 2840/1185AU] - Elon dies

                       - Abdon [T8] - Jud. 12:12-14

[———————-2848/1157AU] - Abdon dies - Jud. 12:15

                       - Eli judges/High Priest - 1 Sa, 4:18 - Ussher

[2923/1123 - 2848/1156SP] - Oppression by Philistines begins - Jud. 13:1

[———————-2848/1156SU] - Angel instructs Samson's parents before his birth - Jud. 13:5  

[———————-2849/1155WI] - Samson born - Jud. 13:24-25

[———————-2854/1151AU] - Sixth Jubilee

[———————-2867/1137SU] - Samson [T20] begins judging - Jud. 14:4

                       - engaged, kills a lion

[———————-2868/1136SP] - Samson burns Philistine's fields with 300 foxes, kills with jawbone of a donkey - Jud. 15:1-20

[———————-2887/1117SP] - Delilah betrays Samson

[——————--2887/1117SU] - Samson pulls down the temple of Dagon and dies - Jud. 16:30-31

[2915/1131 - 2888/1117AU] - Israel takes Ark into battle and it is captured - 1 Sam. 4:1-6:19

                        - Eli dies - Ussher

                        - Samuel begins judging - Ussher

[———————--2894/1110SP] - Barzillai the Gileadite is born - 2 Sam. 19:35

[———————--2894/1102AU] - Seventh Jubilee

[————————2908/1096SP] - Israel repents and are delivered from the Philistines - 1 Sam. 7:1-17

[2963/1083—————————-] - Eli begins judging - Mauro

[3003/1043—————————-] - Samuel begins judging - Mauro

[3023/1023 - 2909/1095SP] - Saul becomes king 

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