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Bible History
From Adam To Noah
2006 Years

This Bible history covers the time from Creation To The Death Of Noah - 2006 years.  Dates in Green - 106E0A - are from Mauro, dates in Blue - 094680 - are from Ussher and dates in red - 690404 - are from other sources.  There are two dates given with both Mauro and Ussher.  The first date is the number of years since creation and the second date is the BC/AD date.


Woman Praising God

[0001/Autumn, Evening of Sept. 20, 4004] - Creation of the universe

[Sept. 21] - 1st day - highest heavens, angels?, the deep, earth, light [day], darkness [night] - Gen. 1:1-5, Job 38:7

[Sept. 22] - 2nd day - waters separated from above and below, sky - Gen. 1:6-8

[Sept. 23] - 3rd day- dry ground, seas, fruit, plants, trees - Gen. 1:9-13

[Sept. 24] - 4th day - sun, moon, stars - Gen. 1:14-19

[Sept. 25] - 5th day - fish, flying birds - Gen. 1:20-23

[0000/4046Sept. 26, 4004] - 6th day - land creatures, AdamEve - Gen. 1:24-31

                - Edenic Covenant [Also known as the Dominion Covenant or                            Covenant Of Works] - Gen. 1:28 - 2:25

                - The Fall - Gen. 3

                - Adamic Covenant - Gen. 3:14-24

[Unknown Date] - Cain murders Abel   Note 2

[0130/3916 - 0130/3874] - Seth born [Adam 130] - Gen. 4:25

[0235/3811 - 0235/3769] - Enos [Enosh] born [Seth 105] - Gen. 4:26

[0325/3721 - 0325/3679] - Cainan [Kenan] born [Enos 90] - Gen. 5:9

[0395/3651 - 0395/3609] - Mahalaleel [Mahalalel] born [Cainan 70] - Gen. 5:12

[0460/3586 - 0460/3544] - Jared born [Mahalaleel 65] - Gen. 5:15

[0622/3424 - 0622/3382] - Enoch born [Jared 162] - Gen. 5:18

[0687/3359 - 0687/3317] - Methuselah born [Enoch 65] - Gen. 5:21

[0874/3172 - 0874/3130] - Lamech born [Methuselah 187] - Gen. 5:25

[0930/3116 - 0930/3074] - Adam died - Gen. 5:5

[0987/3056 - 0987/3017] - Enoch [365] goes to be with God without death - Gen. 5:23-24, Heb. 11:5

[1042/3004 - 1042/2962] - Seth [912] died - Gen. 5:8

[1056/2990 - 1056/2948] - Noah born [Lamech 182] - Gen. 5:29

[1140/2906 - 1140/2864] - Enos [905] died - Gen. 5:11

[1235/2811 - 1235/2769] - Cainan [910] died - Gen. 5:14

[1290/2756 - 1290/2714] - Mahalaleel [895] died - Gen. 5:17

[1422/2624 - 1422/2582] - Jared [962] died - Gen. 5:20

[———————-1536/2469] - Noah begins warning of the Flood - 1 Pet. 3:30, 2 Pet. 2:5

[———————-1556/2448] - Japheth born [Noah's 1st son] - Gen. 5:32, Gen. 10:21

[1558/2488 - 1558/2446] - Shem born [2nd son - Noah 502] - Gen. 5:32, Gen. 11:10

[1651/2395 - 1651/2353] - Lamech [777] died - Gen. 5:31

[1656/2390 - 1656/2349] - Noah age 600 - Gen. 7:11

               - Methuselah [969] died - Gen. 5:27

               - 17th day, 2nd month..The Flood- Gen 7:11-24

               - 17th day, 7th month [Abib or Nisan]...Ark rests on Mt. Ararat - Gen. 8:4

               - 1st day, 10th month..tops of mountains seen - Gen. 8:5

               -11th day, 11th month..raven and dove sent out - Gen. 8:6-9

               - 18th day, 11th month..dove sent again returning with olive leaf - Gen. 8:10-11

              - 25th day, 11th month..dove sent again, not to return - Gen. 8:12

[———————-1657/2348] - 1st day, 1st month..ground was dry, Noah removes ark covering - Gen. 8:13

[1657/2389———————-] - 27th day, 2nd month..God told Noah to leave ark - Gen. 8:14-22

                - Noahic Covenant

[1658/2388 - 1658/2346] - Arphaxad born [Shem 100] - Gen. 11:10

[1693/2353 - 1693/2311] - Salah born [Arphaxad 35] - Gen. 11:12

[1723/2323 - 1723/2281] - Eber born [Salah 30] - Gen. 11:14

[1757/2289 - 1757/2247] - Peleg born [Eber 34] 

                 - Tower Of Babel

                 - Babylon founded by Nimrod  

[1787/2259 - 1787/2217] - Reu born [Peleg 30]

[———————-1816/2188] - Possible first colonization of Egypt by Mizraim, son of Ham - Ps. 105:23, 27, 106:21-22

[1819/2227 - 1819/2185] - Serug born [Reu 32]

[1849/2197 - 1849/2155] - Nahor born [Serug 30]

[1878/2168 - 1878/2126] - Terah born [Nahor 29]

[———————-1915/2089] - Greece founded

[———————-1920/2084] - Egypt invaded by the Hyksos [Shepherd Kings]

[———————-1948/2056] - Haran born [Terah 70] - Gen. 11:26

[———————-1996/2008] - Peleg dies - Gen. 11:19

[1997/2049 - 1997/2007] - Nahor [148] died - Gen. 11:25

[2006/2040 - 2006/1998] - Noah [950] died - Gen. 9:28-29

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