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Yield Your Members

"I speak after the manner of men because of the infirmity of your flesh: for as ye have yielded your members servants to uncleanness and to iniquity unto iniquity; even so now yield your members servants to righteousness unto holiness." Rom. 6:19

    We are to give our members to God to serve God in the same way that we used our members to serve sin before we were saved. 

Woman Praising God

    What does it mean by "our members?"  Our members are not simply our physical body, although it includes that.  If we think of the members of our natural body we realize that it includes all the parts of the body from fingers and toes to lungs and veins.  Therefore, when Paul refers to "our members," he is referring to all the parts of our being.  This includes our physical body, our intellect, our emotions, our resources, etc.  Our members is all that we are.

    Jesus said that we, as Christians, are to have abundant life, but often a strange thing happens when people get saved.  It almost seems like the life is sucked out of them!  For example, when it comes to attending services, we don't have the time.  When it comes to helping out at the church or serving others, we are too tired.  When it comes to paying our tithes and offerings, we don't have enough money.  You get the picture.

    But if you look at the people in the world, they don't seem to have a problem with these things.  They can give themselves with abandon to satisfying the desires and pleasures of their heart.   For example, when it comes to time and energy, the ungodly can work all day, go out in the evenings, party the weekends, or dedicate themselves to coaching or playing sports at all hours of the day.  They don't seem to have problems finding time or energy.  What about money?  They work the same places we work, but they can afford cigarettes, drinks, movies, sports, etc.  That is not to say that all those things are wrong, the point is they seem to have the time, energy, and money to seek what they desire.

    Paul says, with the same abandon that the ungodly commit themselves [and we did too before we were saved!] to their goals, we should commit ourselves to the things of God.  Think of the student who is studying for their degree.  Think of the long hours of work and study, yet many Christians can't find the time to read the the Bible for 5 minutes...and to actually take a theology course to deepen their understanding of Christianity...

    We need to reevaluate our priorities at times.  Maybe we are presenting our members to Christ with the same abandon we presented them to the world.  If so, that's great.  But we need to take time to give our life a check up.  Whatever we do, let's not make excuses.  We do have the time, energy, and resources for the things we believe are really important.  If we have no interest or time for some things, it is because we do not think it is very important.  I know I have areas in my life that need to be reordered...maybe there is in yours as well?  Yield your members is a daily choice.

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