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Words Of Christ
Cleanse Us

”Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.”   John 15:3

Jesus stated that we are clean through the words of Christ - the words He spoke. The power of words is amazing. With words, God created all that is.  Look up at the night sky, consider the mighty oceans, and caress a baby's face.  All made by the Word of God - and He did in six literal days.

With words, people are built up or brought down.  Think over the last week.  Did you experience being encouraged or discouraged by the words of others?  Probably both.  Those words will impact your life if you let them.  How about you?  Have your words strengthened people or weakened them?

With words, civilizations are built or destroyed.  Everything starts with words - Christianity, communism, capitalism, socialism - and then moves out into actions.  The pen truly is mightier than the sword.

Woman Praising God

Perhaps you have had the feeling of being “dirty” after being in a place where foul language is used constantly [we tend to become desensitized if we hear it all the time]. The words of Christ can make us clean; they can be a bath from the filthiness of the world, which seeks to bring us down to its level. As the saying goes, misery loves company.  We can let it drag us down, or we can choose to be refreshed by the Word of God.

Clean By The Words Of Christ

Man in waterfall praising God

Do the words of Jesus automatically make us clean? Yes and no. They can be an instant shower if we are in the proper position. If we are in the wrong position, they bounce off us without effect. Judas heard the exact words that the rest of the disciples heard.  For them, the words of Christ cleaned them and changed their lives for the better.  For Judas, Jesus' sayings and instructions had no effect.  They were the same words; what made the difference?

First, we must be born again. We must have come under the cleansing flow of the Blood of Christ. We need to have experienced forgiveness, and we need to stand right before God [all of which happens at salvation]. Without that, all the words of Christ are just foolishness.  Judas put on a great act, but he was never truly saved.

Second, we need to know the words of Christ [which is the entire Bible, not just the red letters!]. If we are not in the position of knowing God's Word, then it can do us no good. Ignorance is not bliss; it is dangerous and foolish.  Learning Jesus' Words includes Bible study, meditation, and memorization. It is an important - and ongoing - step, but by itself, it is not enough. History is full of people who knew the Word of God very well but were hard, cruel, and self-seeking. No one is more cruel than a religious person who thinks he is doing the will of God.  The Pharisees were experts in the Scriptures, but Jesus constantly criticized them.  There was no cleansing effect in their lives.  

Third, we need to combine the words of the Bible with faith. Faith believes the words of Christ and puts them into action. Faith without works is dead, as James puts it.

In the same way, faith also, if it has no works, is dead, being by itself.  James 2:17, NASB

As the words of Jesus become a part of who we are, they have a cleansing effect on our lives. It is so easy to study the word of God or hear messages and say, ”That is what so-and-so really needs to hear. If they would do that, then their lives would really be straightened out.” The main application always has to be to ourselves.  We have to take it to heart.

Relationship Is The Key

woman in waterfall praising

Fourth, the entire context of John 15:3 is abiding in Christ and Him in us. We need an ongoing, developing relationship with Jesus. As we walk with Him daily, His words cleanse us.  Unlike every other religion in the world, Christianity is about having a living, dynamic relationship with the God Who created us and loves us more than His own life.  If we could grasp that, our lives would be revolutionized.

So, I honour you for your study of God’s Word, but don’t ever let it stop there. For it to be cleansing and effective, it must be mixed with faith and applied in our personal lives and then in our world.  The world will be transformed as we come under the cleansing flow of our Lord Jesus Christ and apply His words to our daily lives.  

For more information about Glenn Davis, see our About Glenn page or visit Glenn Davis Books.

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Please note: We no longer have the commenting feature [maybe again in the future].  Joshua Institute students who have questions or comments on their courses can use the contact button and mention the course name and lesson number in the email.  Thank you.  Glenn

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