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Tithing and Offering

Tithing and offering are much-neglected subjects. Not much gets people more upset than when their pastor preaches on this subject.  That attitude is unfortunate because it is an exciting topic if we keep an open mind. What God requires us to do is for our own benefit, not God’s benefit. God does not really need your money or mine, but money is a good area in which to test our hearts.  Money is not the most essential thing in life, but it is important.  Our attitude toward money reveals our character in many other areas as well.

”Then it shall come to pass that to the place which Jehovah your God shall choose, to cause his name to dwell there, thither shall ye bring all that I command you: your burnt-offerings, and your sacrifices, your tithes, and the heave-offering of your hand, and all your choice vows which ye vow unto Jehovah.” [Deut. 12:11, KJV]

Woman Praising God

What Is Tithing?

Man, Bible, Money

The tithe [10% of a person’s income] is not an option. Neither is it a gift to God. It is God’s property tax for the use of His earth. Everyone on the planet owes it. Christians, who claim to acknowledge Jesus as Lord, have no excuse for not paying it yet up to 80% of Christians in North America do not give this way faithfully.

Let’s be honest: tithing is an act of faith. You sit down at your desk and look at your bills. The bills may exceed your income. I have noticed this law: bills expand to meet income. The temptation is to say, “I cannot afford to tithe.” The truth is, we cannot afford not to tithe. Failure in this area is robbing God of what is His requirement [Mal. 3:8]. We wonder why the kingdom of God doesn’t seem to have the finances it needs - it's no surprise when 80% of the kingdom's citizens are stealing from the King! Faith pays the tithe first, then looks at the rest of the bills, believing in God’s provision. If we put God first, He will be responsible for looking after us. That’s part of the covenant [See The Making of a Blood Covenant & Covenants].

I don’t often give personal testimonies, but I can say before God, I have always tithed my income. My parents trained me that way, for which I thank them. I have had my financial ups and downs and been brushed with disasters like most people, but I can say that from my teens to now [60+], I have only been unemployed for a total of 3 months. Am I saying this will happen to everyone? No. I only know my own story, but I do know that God’s faithfulness is a story that will express itself somehow in each life that trusts in Him.

What Are Offerings?

woman teaching children in jungle

God also requires offerings. Tithes are not a gift but a payment of an obligation. Offerings are a gift. Most of the tithing goes to the church you attend, although some can be used for other Godly cases, such as Christian education.   This belongs belongs to God. You have no right to direct them for personal pleasure or to withhold them. Offerings are a gift and may be given to any Godly cause you like. You may use it to support missions, help the poor, promote Christian education, or any other Godly cause. Tithes release God’s provision in your life; offerings allow God to multiply His blessings back to you. It will be in a way and timing of His own choosing, but they will return many times over.

Of course, the dynamics of this are set in the context of a heart seeking first the kingdom of God [not greed] and seeking to walk holy and acceptable before God. If we deliberately violate some part of God’s Word, it will hinder every part of our lives.  Also, if we are being poor financial managers and handling our money unwisely, we cannot expect help to avoid the consequences of our foolish actions.  But as we learn and practice solid financial principles, God will help us work our way out of debt and into liberty.

If you are not giving of your finances, I challenge you to obey the Word of God in faith and trust God to meet your needs. He promised He would. Believe Him!

If you have been tithing but not giving offerings, I challenge you to step out in faith, as God leads, and give an offering. It does not matter how small - the widow’s two mites were more than all the wealth of the rich. Record it and record how God multiplies it back to you. Your faith will grow.

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