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The Bible And Truth
[Part 5 of A Biblical Worldview]

“What is truth?” retorted Pilate… John 18:38, NIV

As we continue to examine the Biblical worldview, we must consider the nature of the Bible and Truth. Today, even the concept of objective Truth is under attack. Some people and worldviews believe that Truth is subjective. What is true for one person may not be true for another. This also means that there is no objective standard for good and evil.  The Biblical worldview stands against this and declares that there is objective Truth that defines good and evil.

Woman Praising God

The theory of evolution underlies many worldviews that oppose objective Truth. After all, if we evolved, our brains and thoughts would be nothing more than chemical reactions. How can objective truth exist? This leads to very dangerous real-world applications.  For example, many of these people oppose murder, but they have no reason to oppose murder without a concrete standard of right and wrong.  Because our thoughts are considered just the result of chemical reactions in the brain, the murderer has no choice [i.e. no free will], and his decision to kill is just as valid as their decision not to kill.  This belief has undermined the justice systems in our nations.

Couple Standing In The Rain

For another example of how subjective truth fails, consider the following.  Two people are standing in a park together.  Person A states that it is raining.  Person B states that it is not raining.  A person who holds to subjective Truth believes that both people are right from their perspective.  Logic and common sense tell us only one person is right.

Consider this:

Jesus answered, "I am the way, and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through Me."  John 14:6, NIV

Some worldviews believe that all religions offer a legitimate path to God. Christianity, however, clearly states that Jesus is the only way to God.  Both cannot be true.  There has to be an objective Truth.  Either Christianity is correct, or it is wrong.  It cannot be both.

Every worldview, except Christianity, becomes self-refuting at some point.  That means they hold beliefs or that the implications of their beliefs are contradictory at some point or points.  [An excellent book that details this topic is Finding Truth by Nancy Pearcey.]  Only Christianity has a worldview that can consistently account for all the known facts.  We do not understand certain things, but they are not contradictory to how the world operates.

The Biblical worldview recognizes that to have an objective Truth and standard of Right and Wrong, there must be a Being above humanity.  Any standard made by human beings is ultimately subjective and lacks absolute authority.  Because this Being is above humanity, He is beyond our ability to discover.  He must reveal Himself.

The Bible And Truth

Open Bible in Nebula

Christians believe that the Bible is God’s infallible Revelation. In it, God reveals Himself and everything we need to know about how life works. It is the objective Truth about Who God is, who we are, how we got here, what our purpose is, and the unchanging standards of right and wrong.

The Bible consists of 66 Books written over a period of 1,500 years by 40 people with a wide variety of experience, from shepherds to kings, in about 1550 different locations.  It is a miracle Book that has withstood the harshest critics and the most detailed examinations and yet has never been proven wrong in a single point. Complete Bible translations are in over 530 languages spoken by about 70% of the world’s population.  50 Bibles are sold every minute, and the Gideons distribute one million Bibles every week.

A Biblical worldview holds that the original manuscripts [called autographs] were without error of any kind.  No original manuscripts exist today.  What we have are incredibly reliable copies.  The science of Textual Criticism is studying ancient documents to ensure we have the most accurate manuscripts possible.  Minor errors have been discovered, most of which involve spelling errors.  A few passages, such as John 5:53 - 8:11 [the woman taken in adultery], are not believed to be part of the original manuscript.  No Christian doctrines have been affected by any errors.  Christians can be confident that the Bible, as we have it today, is essentially what was originally written.

Learn how to study the Bible for yourself by taking our free course, Feed Yourself.

If you have questions about how we got our Bible and how accurate it is to the original manuscripts, many good books are available on the subject.  Two authors who began studying this topic as atheists wanting to disprove the Bible but became convinced of its truth and converted to Christianity are Lee Strobel and J. Warner Wallace.  Mr. Strobel was an investigative reporter for a well-known newspaper, and Mr. Wallace was a successful Cold Case detective.  

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