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”And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” Gen. 3:15, KJV
Here we have the very first promise of the coming Redeemer and the revelation of the plan of God. It came at mankind’s darkest hour when Adam had rebelled against God, and sin had invaded a perfect world. In the first covenant God made with man [Edenic Covenant or Covenant of Works], God offered Himself and eternal Life based on perfect obedience. It is so amazing that God would want an intimate relationship with His creation. God was making it easy for Adam to obey. In fact, there was only one thing that God had told Adam not to do.
Think of it: an entire world and life...and only one possible sinful decision. We are confronted with sinful choices all the time, and our sinful nature wants to make the wrong choice. Adam’s nature desired to obey God, and He only had one choice, which would have been sinful.
It is essential to see that there was no provision for failure in the Edenic Covenant. In other words, no second chance was offered - in the day you eat of the tree, you die. Period. God's standard is perfect obedience. In a world without sin, the first man and woman had the opportunity and the natural desire to offer that perfect obedience.
We know Adam sinned. That was the darkest day of humanity. We were cut off from God, Who is Life, with NO offer of restoration. It was finished. It was over. Our destiny was sealed. God was under no obligation to do anything else. The covenant was simple, and Adam violated it as the representative of all humanity. Since we had joined Satan in his rebellion, his destiny in Hell also became our destiny.
Yet, as God handed out the punishment so justly deserved, He gave us a ray of hope. The plan of God was that out of His Love and of His Own free will, He would offer a way back. He promised that one day Someone would come Who would destroy the work of the Serpent - although He would be wounded in the process.
rest of the Old Testament builds on this promise, as God's plan was worked out over 4,000 years. There were other dark days, but
the light never went completely out. The promise of Genesis 3:15 was
coming. One day the One Who would bruise [or crush] the serpent's head would appear. The Old Testament expands and adds further light to this plan
of God. We, in the New Covenant period, can, with joy, look back and
watch God work out His plan of redemption in human history. [We do this
in Covenants - take our free course!]
About 2,000 years ago, it happened! All that preparation paid off, and Jesus Christ was born! The plan of God was being fulfilled. We celebrate it on Dec. 25, and what a celebration it should be. After 4,000 years of working and waiting, He arrived, the One to crush the serpent’s head, destroy sin, and bring us back into a loving relationship with God. WOW! He came! Let’s dance and shout! If He had not come, there would have been no hope; we would have been sealed to a dark destiny of an eternal living death. The plan of God would have failed.
The fact that God became flesh and dwelt among us is great and what we celebrate, and rightly so. But that was not enough. He not only had to come, but also He had to crush the serpent’s head. For 33 1/2 years, heaven and earth held their breath...the destiny of every human being hung on One Life. One slip, one mistake, one sin, and it was all over. Is it any wonder this has been called, “The Greatest Week Of History” [download Rev. LeRoy Davis' free book]? [To look at this “week” in detail, take The Seventy Weeks Of Daniel.]
What riotous joy should be ours...He came...He conquered...and He rules forever more. The plan of God was completed!
Christmas can bring many different things to different people: joy, giving, family, belonging, loneliness, frustration, debt... However, you view the Christmas season, remember: He came and set you free from sin and placed you in the right relationship with the Father. You can now enter His presence at any time. In fact, you, as a Christian, can develop and enjoy a closer relationship with God than Adam had! Jesus really has restored everything Adam lost.
For more information about Glenn Davis, see our About Glenn page or visit Glenn Davis Books.
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