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My Help Line.

by Joy E
(Canby OR)

I grew up in a Lutheran family, my mother was kind of religious, she knew who God was, she had been Baptized and Confirmed in the Lutheran Church, but really the church when I was growing up was not important to her. My dad was a devote Lutheran, and if it had not been for his pushing I probably would not have been Baptized and Confirmed.

Because of the lax relationship my mother had with God, after my folks were divorced, as I grew I took a lax attitude to the church as well. I married, had children, made several attempts to become involved in the church during that time, but had not made a commitment to it. I even made an attempt to get my children involved, but when you are not strong into it they themselves will not be strong, so they never got the relationship with Jesus they should have had.

Then one day, after many years of fighting with my lif and the many disappointments that I thought was important, I picked up the Bible, and happened to be watching a religious show on TV. They said, "If you want Jesus in your life now, if you want peace in your life, if you want Him to take the stress of your life away now, and if you are ready for a relationship with Him now pray with us."

I got down on my knees and prayed to Jesus, and from that day my life could not be more peaceful. Everything that I do in my life now I give to Jesus, and He does what He thinks is best, and it just works. I can not imagine my life without Him in it. I was Baptized shortly afterward in a wonderful church, with wonderful people of God. I became a deaconess shortly after that. God will work with you as long as you work with Him. What does anyone got to lose but try Jesus and find out if He isn't there for you. If you are already down, He can pick you back up, dust you off, and you will share a wonderful life with Him.

You don't have to be in the gutter to find Jesus, but if you feel nothing works, then maybe Jesus can help you find the path. Give Him a try, I did, and He did for me what He can do for you. I love Jesus, and I know He loves me. He died on the cross for my sins, He nailed my worst sins to the cross with Him when He died, and He forgave me of them. He has done that for you - you just don't know it yet, find out.

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