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Site Update Blog

The Free Bible Study Lessons Site Update Blog keeps you up to date with all new articles and reader comments.

Woman Praising God

Contradictions In The Birth Story Of Jesus

Scribe writing

Are there contradictions in the birth story of Jesus? Why are Matthew and Luke so different in their accounts? Discover the Truth.

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Loving And Hating In Christianity

Jesus on the cross with light coming down

Loving and hating are both part of a Christian reponse to living in the "real" world. God has them in perfect balance and we are to work toward that end in our own lives.

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The Christmas Stream

Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus

The Christmas stream presents links to our articles and videos dealing with the Christmas story and surrounding people and events.

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What Was Adam's Real Sin?

Garden Of Eden

Adam's real sin went deeper than disobedience and rebellion. What was Adam's real sin? It is an insidious foe that wraps its tentacles around each human heart. Guard against it today!

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Sovereignty Of God Over The World

hand holding world

The sovereignty of God over the world is declared in the Bible. He gives nations to whomever He will. Do we believe Him, of Satan's lies?

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The Truth About Christmas

the cross in the manager

The truth about Christmas will shock you as we slice through the many misconceptions about its origins. You will learn something new here.

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Christians Of The Pierced Ear

bull and woman in evening dress

God is looking for Christians of the Pierced Ear. Are you one of them?

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Master Life: An Introduction To Biblical Law

boat going over waterfall

Discover the Life Line God has thrown to us in Biblical law and how it can apply in modern life applications.

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Why Are The Wicked Prospering?


The wicked prospering has been a puzzle for the righteous. It makes it seem like it is pointless to do things right.

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Words of Christ

Man in waterfall praising God

The words of Christ can have a cleansing effect on our lives if we are in the right position. Let the water of the Word flow over you.

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