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Feed Yourself Lesson Twenty

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How To Do A Character Study

"Now these things were our examples, to the intent we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted."  1 Cor. 10:6

In this final lesson we are going to look at doing a Character Study.  Studying people can be fun.  We need to learn to look through their eyes, see their experiences, feel their emotions.  Character Studies can be a great way to make the Bible come alive.  Note: when reading the Bible try to read it by expressing the emotion that the writer was feeling as he wrote.

Step one is to print off a copy of the Character Study Chart and put your character's name at the top.  It will serve as an outline and notebook as you study your selected person.

Woman Praising God

Step two is to get your Bible and concordance and look up each reference to this person.  Write down the references on the top of your Chart for easy referral later.  You may want to underline or colour especially important references or ones you particularly want to come back to later.  As you read through the verses, imagine yourself as the character.  What would you think or feel?  Also fill in the strengths, weaknesses, and problem lines as you come across the information.

Step three is to look up all the information you can find about this person in Bible Dictionaries, and other helps.  Try to find out how they lived, the customs of their society, and any other details to help you understand them.

Step four is to write a short biography for them.  At the top of the biography chart [if known] you can mark when they lived, what their name meant, and anything special that stands out to you.  We know that in the Bible often a person's name had meaning in relation to their character - it may or may not be important, but consider it.  Special Times is anything that stands out to you.  For example, if you are studying Moses you might want to mark here that his life is divided into three periods of 40 years [40 in Egypt, 40 in the desert, and 40 leading the children of Israel].

Step five is then filling in the application questions.  What did you learn?  How are you going to apply it?  Also note if there are any symbolic qualities to this person.  For example, Joshua, Moses, and some others where symbolic of some aspects of the life of Christ.


1.  Select a character from Scripture.  Do a Character Study on him or her.   Download the Character Study Form.

2.  Continue with your daily reading/memorization program.

Congratulations!  You have completed the course.  I know many have given up and dropped out along the way, but you have stuck it out.  I know there have been times when you were discouraged and wanted to give up, but you didn't.  Now the riches of God's Word are there waiting for you to mine them.  Don't stop now, keep going...for a life time.

God bless,

Glenn Davis


Reference Works Used In This Course:

Bible Study Methods by Mrs. Shirley Davis

The International Inductive Study Bible by Harvest House Publishers

Effective Bible Study by Howard F. Vos, Zondervan

How To Understand Your Bible by T. Norton Sterrett, IVP

How To Study Your Bible by Kay Arthur, Harvest House

Independent Bible Study by Irving L. Jensen, Moody

How To Study The Bible For Yourself by Tim LaHaye, Harvest House

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