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Feed Yourself Lesson Eighteen

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How To Analyze A Chapter

"Thou hast commanded us to keep thy precepts diligently."  Ps. 119:4

This week we will look at analyzing a chapter or chapter section.  This is an extension of our verse analyzing from last week.   In analyzing a chapter we want to look closely to discover what treasures are really there.  Remember Agassiz, the student and the fish.

Note: It may be helpful to download the examples and refer to them as you read through the steps below.

Step one is to do a Book Survey and a Devotional reading on the chapter/section you want to examine.  This gives you a good understanding of context.

Step two is to choose a chapter or chapter section from a Book you have surveyed.  It may be helpful to use a Bible version which prints the chapters in paragraph form.  Knowing how the chapter breaks down into paragraphs helps in analyzing the chapter.

Woman Praising God

Step three is to have your Chapter Analyzer form handy.  You will need one for a rough draft as you work out how you want things to appear.  Once you have that done, you can neatly transfer it to a final draft.  To begin with fill out the reference, type of book, and key words and phrases.  Place the chapter number in the upper left corner of the chart.  Underneath it write the title for the entire chapter.

Step four is using a pencil write to down the chapter you want to analyze inside the box.  It is best if you can get the entire section on one sheet of paper - you may have to write small!  Draw a line across the box to separate the different paragraphs.  As you write out your paragraphs use the Textual Re-creation techniques you learned in the last lesson.  Instead of only a verse, you are now using them on entire paragraphs.  Relax and have fun.  Arrows, circles, capitals, colours, whatever you like to make key points and relationships stand out to you.  In the upper right hand corner of each paragraph box write a title for that paragraph.  On the top of the page write the Title for the chapter/section you are analyzing.

Step five is writing in the margin on the left hand side of the box.  Beside each paragraph box write down the main points you learned from that paragraph.

Step six is writing in the margin on the right hand side of the box.  At the top of this margin write the general context, next list additional subjects/verses that you would like to study as a result of having done this chart, finally list all thing things you learned from this scripture and how to apply them in your life.

Step seven is to rewrite your rough draft neatly onto a final draft.


1.  Select a chapter/section from the book on which you did your book survey.  Analyze the chapter/section according to the above steps.  Download the Chapter Analyzer Form.

2.  Continue with your daily reading/memorization program.


Reference Works Used In This Course:

Bible Study Methods by Mrs. Shirley Davis

The International Inductive Study Bible by Harvest House Publishers

Effective Bible Study by Howard F. Vos, Zondervan

How To Understand Your Bible by T. Norton Sterrett, IVP

How To Study Your Bible by Kay Arthur, Harvest House

Independent Bible Study by Irving L. Jensen, Moody

How To Study The Bible For Yourself by Tim LaHaye, Harvest House

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