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Covid Information Center

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There is a lot of fear and misinformation being promoted about Covid.  The Bible, in the book of Proverbs, states:

The first one to plead his case seems right,

Until another comes and cross-examines him.  Pr. 18:17, Amp

One of the major problems in this coronavirus situation is that the first side to present their case is using every method possible to prevent their case from being cross-examined.  They try to silence all opposing voices, by ignoring them as much as possible in the mainstream media, by eliminating their posts [or even deleting entire pages and channels] in social media or labeling them ‘fake news.’  They slander qualified experts who disagree with them.  And more…

These actions in themselves are highly suspicious.  The Truth is not afraid to be cross-examined.  It is generally the bully, the liar and those who lack confidence in their beliefs who try to violently squash all opposition.  

Covid information

Sadly those who promote extreme measures [i.e., lockdowns] to control Covid often downplay or ignore the collateral damage.  Suicides are up.  In some places young adults with suicidal thoughts have risen 30%.  Child and spousal abuse are up.  Substance abuse is up.  Some people are either too afraid to go to hospitals for treatment of life-threatening conditions or have their treatments post-posed or refused.  Businesses, livelihoods and dreams are in ashes.  It is estimated that around the world 150 million people are being driven into extreme poverty because of these measures.  People are starving to death because they cannot work.  For literally millions of people this is not just an inconvenience, but a matter of life and death.   

Probably like most of you, I am not an expert in virology or other medical sciences.  We need to look for Truth and not be caught either ignoring the facts or believing everything we hear whether it be from politicians and mainstream media or conspiracy theorists.  We need to search for solid reporting based on evidence by qualified people.  We need to allow debate and “cross-examination.”  That is why below you will find articles or websites with differing viewpoints.  We cannot allow ourselves to be driven by fear in our search for Truth… and we need to be suspicious of those who refuse to allow their views to be tested and/or slander those who disagree with them.

Research the articles/websites below and choose wisely.  [If you want to see what we have personally written regarding Biblical principles on this subject, check out our Covid Stream.]    While we need to be aware of those who "cross-examine" and question the official Covid narrative, we also need to be aware of those who "cross-examine" the cross-examiners.  In other words, sometimes those who oppose the current Covid narrative may be basing their ideas on misinformation or false information as well.  It is so easy to get caught into fear on the one side or sensationalism on the other side.  Two basic facts should not be disputed by any Christian:  1.  God is in control.  2.  Jesus Christ is Lord.  Let us calmly consider the events around us, prayerfully ask for God's direction and walk wisely avoiding extremes, while giving grace to those who disagree with our approach.  [Popular search engines and social media may not look kindly on this page so, if you believe it contains worthwhile information, be sure to share it.]


What are the issues thoughtful Christians should think through on the Covid Vaccine? An interesting and entertaining presentation with a good conclusion...

Those Who Tend To SUPPORT Many Of The Current Covid Measures

RNA Vaccines

CMI, Vaccines And Vaccination

Mohler Endorses Pfizer And Moderna Vaccines: They 'Can Be Take By Pro-Life Christians With Legitimacy'

We Had The Vaccine From The Start - We Just Weren't Allow To Take It

The Science Of Masks

Faith And Corona The Vaccine Dilemma - You-Tube Video

A Priest-Scientist Responds To Concerns Raised By The Ramping Up Of Vaccination Campaigns

Covid Questions Answered

New Study Claims 'Humid' Cloth Mask Lessen Covid Impact

Testing, Cell Lines And Fetal Tissue: Focus On the Practice Not The Product

Those Who Tend To OPPOSE Many Of The Current Covid Measures

Note: YouTube keeps removing videos from anyone who disagrees with their point-of-view on this issue.

'Miraculous' Ivermectin Approved For Use In The US For Treatment Of Covid-19

A Promising Cure For Covid That You've Likely Never Heard Of

Italian Doctors Association Is Successfully Treating Covid With HCQ And Vitamin D

Flying Blind by the Justice Center for Constitutional Freedoms [A 98 paged PDF which examines in detail the Covid situation in Canada from the beginning unto the present.  Other countries are probably similar.]

Great Barrington Declaration

Canadian Physician Declaration

Cost Of Lockdowns: A Preliminary Report

CDC: Nonpharmaceutical Measures For Pandemic Influenza In Nonhealthcare Settings—Personal Protective And Environmental Measures

Front-Line Covid-19 Care Alliance

Asymptomatic People Do Not Spread Covid-19

Are Face Masks Effective?  The Evidence

WHO Admits Covid19 PCR Test Has A 'Problem' - [It appears that the actual report has been deleted from the WHO page; however, the link in the articles goes to an archived report.] 

Canadian Doctor's Research Shows Lockdowns Have Caused Vastly More Harm Than Good - Actual Report

One Hour After Biden Inaugurated, WHO Changes Coved Testing Criteria 

Merck Stops Developing Covid Vaccine: Better Immunity Found Through 'Natural Infection'

CDC Finds Masks, In Door Dining Bans Don't Stop Virus

Different Christian Reactions

UK And Ireland Christians Take Worship ‘Underground’ In Wake Of Govt Lockdowns 

Pastor Says Police, Politicians Will Face "God's Justice" For Deeming Worship "Unessential" 

BC Faithful Fight Back Agains Excessive Govt Fines And Restrictions On Worship 

Churches Flouting Pandemic Rules Need A Come-To-Jesus Moment

How Covid Has Enabled Religious Persecution

Lawyer Skewers Canadian Premier Over 'Destructive, Unscientific' Covid Laws That Sent Christian Pastor To Jail

Canadian Churches Say They Must Gather With or Without Government Permission

Church Challenges Health Departments Covid Restrictions, Echoes Martin Luther's '95 Theses'

Covid Information Center:
Regarding Censorship And/Or Misinformation

Twitter Locks Out Trump Covid Advisor Dr. Scott Atlas For Exposing Mask Failures

Canadian Doctor: Smear Against Hydroxychloroquine Drug In Stopping COVID ‘Needs To Stop’

LifeSite’s channel was suspended by YouTube

How Facebook’s ‘Fact Check’ Feature Suppresses Truth, Promotes Falsehoods About COVID-19 

You-Tube Temporarily Suspends Conservative News Outlet Over 'Unlisted' Covid Cure Video

Fight Against Major Censorship And Deliberate Misinformation 

UN Enlists 110,000 Volunteers To Push 'Approved' Covid-19 Information Online

Facebook Ramps Up Censorship

Twitter Censors UNESCO Declation Stressing Need To Conscent To Medical Intervention

Mainstream Media Cover-Up Dems Breaking Their Own Covid Restrictions

Facebook Removes All On-The-Ground Video Of Capital Hill Protest

Parlar CEO John Matza Receives Death Threats As Censorship Intensifies 

Covid Information Center:
Editorials Or Opinions

Explosion In Mandatory Masking Isn’t Driven By Science, But Fear [Part One]

Explosion In Mandatory Masking Isn’t Driven By Science, But Fear [Part Two]

'How The News Media Taught Us To Love Censorship, Hate Journalism'

How ‘Fear Appeals’ And Disinformation May Be Manipulating The Public

Mainstream Media Stoke COVID Fear By Confusing Case Counts, Positive Tests

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Please note: We no longer have the commenting feature [maybe again in the future].  Joshua Institute students who have questions or comments on their courses can use the contact button and mention the course name and lesson number in the email.  Thank you.  Glenn

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