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Jesus Son Of God

Every worldview has to do something with Jesus Son of God.  Some try to deny His very existence.  Others will say He was a good man or teacher.  At least one views Him as a created angel.  

The Biblical worldview surpasses human understanding. To understand everything about God, we must be as great as God.  There will always be mysteries and things we cannot understand fully.  What we need to know is what God has revealed about Himself and what He has done.  This is not something we can discover through scientific means.  That does not mean it is unscientific, but it is beyond science in a sphere that science cannot enter.  Everything we know about spiritual reality must be revealed to us.  The only reliable source of this revelation is the Word of God, the Bible.

Woman Praising God

Let Christ himself be your example as to what your attitude should be. For he, who had always been God by nature, did not cling to his prerogatives as God’s equal, but stripped himself of all privilege by consenting to be a slave by nature and being born as mortal man. Phil. 2:5-7, Phillips

Jesus Son Of God/
Son Of Man

Jesus Son of God Son of Man

Jesus is fully God.  He is equal with the Father and the Holy Spirit, yet together they form only one God.  As God the Son, Jesus had no beginning.  He has always existed and will always exist.  The relationship of Father to Son is one of authority and does not imply that the Father preexisted or birthed the Son. Jesus has all the power and attributes associated with God.

Jesus is fully Man.  In the incarnation, the Son of God became a human being.  He did not merely look human; He was human.  He had all the needs, desires and limitations of a human being.  He experienced joy, pain, frustration, satisfaction, and every other legitimate human emotion. The only difference was that because of the virgin birth, Jesus did not have a sin nature.  He had the same nature that Adam was created with - a pure and holy nature that desired to please God.

The dual nature of Christ is a mystery beyond our comprehension.  He was fully God and fully Man at the same time without mixing or compromising either nature.  While on Earth, Jesus operated as a human being.  Never once did He access His divine nature.  If Jesus ever sinned or accessed His divine nature, He would have been disqualified from being our Saviour.  He had to achieve what Adam failed to do - total obedience to the Father.  Having achieved that, He then, as an innocent Person, had to voluntarily take our punishment.


It may appear that Jesus did the miracles recorded in the Gospels because He was God.  This isn’t true.  He operated on this earth as a human being.  Everything He did, He did in obedience to the Father by the power of the Holy Spirit, the same Holy Spirit that lives in His redeemed people.  He did nothing on His own initiative or of His own power.

The Perfect Representative

Because Jesus was fully God and fully Man, He could perfectly represent both God and Man.  As the perfect Representative, He cut a blood covenant between God and man while hanging on the cross.  God’s justice was satisfied, man’s sin could be forgiven, and the relationship between God and man could be restored.  

The resurrection of Jesus Christ confirmed that the Father had accepted His sacrifice on behalf of the redeemed people chosen by the Father and given to the Son. Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation. He is the only One who could and did satisfy God’s justice against sin.  

Jesus The Only Lord And Saviour

The Cross on the Hill

All other worldviews collapse because they present a different way of salvation, a false way that leads to Hell.  All other worldviews are legalistic in nature.  This means, in some way, they all rely on people’s actions to save themselves or earn the favour of whatever god they promote.  Only Christianity says, “Jesus did it all.”  Salvation is a free gift that can never be earned, only accepted.

Jesus Christ is the only Saviour Who can bring man to God, restore our relationship to Him, which satisfies our greatest needs, and return us to our position of authority as the Father’s vice-regents on earth.  But Jesus is also Lord of lords and King of kings.  We are required to submit to His authority and obey His commands completely.  Jesus is Lord and Saviour.  If we will not have Him as Lord neither will we have Him as Saviour.

For more information on Jesus, see our articles on the page Who Is Jesus.

For more information about Glenn Davis, see our About Glenn page or visit Glenn Davis Books.

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Please note: We no longer have the commenting feature [maybe again in the future].  Joshua Institute students who have questions or comments on their courses can use the contact button and mention the course name and lesson number in the email.  Thank you.  Glenn

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