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Thank you for the information given thus far, it has been very helpful. There is an anointing on you and the work you do. God bless. Gary, USA
Thank you so very much...Today has been one of seeking Him quietly and I have been enjoying reading your wonderful content on your site. I am a teacher and a spirit-filled Christian and I just love all the things you have here and are linked to. It is a blessing to me. God bless you! Mary, USA
I LOVE this ministry. Your website has been such a blessing to me! I can't say THANK YOU enough! Blessed by God's word, Shayla
I am enjoying all your materials. I purchased The Book of Revelation and have started a Bible study at my home. Gail
Thanks again for the lessons I have learned so much. Thanks. Melissa
I am enjoying these lessons so much...I love doing these kind of studies. I belong to the Church of Christ...I was baptized 3 years ago and made a great change in my life. Thanks for helping me stay focused. Barb, USA
Thank you, so much for sharing this exciting information with me on line, I have a hunger that must be feed. Yesterday in the hail and rain I looked for my Bible in some boxes of books out in my shed, it was not my favorite Bible I found, but it doesn't matter what the book looks like. Its the contents inside that truly matter. :) Your Friend, Patti
I have studied your web site, and I found it the most wonderful site to get right to the True Word of God. Zaki, Pakistan
Thanks for your labour of love, and the good God that made heaven and earth will surely reward your effort in Jesus name. Vincenr, Nigeria
I would like to say thank you for your site. I think your Bible studies are very good and they are really blessing me. Susan, USA
Thank you so much for these wonderful emails with the word and the encouragement I receive from them. God bless you!!! Mary, USA
These bible studies have actually inspired me to read the Bible for the 1st time on my own, at my own pace. The lessons made me realize how important the Bible is in today's world. I am just starting to read it. Thank you. Robert
I did understand the Psalm 24 in the way I never did before. Thanks a lot. Xolisle
I printed out the first lesson today and when I had to wait for my child at his reading summer school I studied and underlined key words in the lesson. Thank you I enjoyed it very much...I was never taught anything about the important dynamics concerning Blood Covenant topics. God Bless you and thank you so much for helping me grow spiritually. Christal
Thank you Glenn, I appreciate the work you have done. I am a Pastor and have done a lot of reading and study on this subject. Thank you and God Bless. Pastor Jim
Have enjoyed the lessons on the Blood Covenant. Agape,
Thank you so much for the covenant lessons I have been studying a lot about that recently and have started doing interactive creative worships centered on illustrating them. [When] I have a couple who are about to be married or want to re-covenant and we go through the steps of the Hebrew Blood Covenant and see how it relates to the marriage vows then I have a little worship and explain how Jesus fulfills each step of the marriage vow in his covenant to us and he wants a relationship with us.... it is really beautiful... Bless you
I've been doing my own study on Communion, Covenants, The Temple and Tabernacle, Feast and Festivals etc etc and having a wonderful time at it. I've been through the first sessions of each of these and found them really valuable. Thanks for making it all available. Blessing... Heather, Australia
These lessons are excellent. My only problem is I am teaching this the next two weeks and need the balance of the lessons... In Christ, Bob
I really want to thank you for the lessons you been sending me. They have been really an inspiration to me now that I am taking studying God's Word seriously...Thank You and God bless you in what you are doing in helping people to learn how to reach out to God. We all need Him in these time of days. The Word says that we will all confess that Jesus Christ is Lord...I am eager to learn more about GOD'S word. Thank you. Micheal
Thank you for this lesson it clearly open my eyes to a better understanding of the laws of God. Wanda
Thank you for the message (reality check). It is awakening. God Bless
We are constantly using your newsletters. Thank you again and again. Yours, Mulu
For more information about Glenn Davis, see our About Glenn page or visit Glenn Davis Books.
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Please note: We no longer have the commenting feature [maybe again in the future]. Joshua Institute students who have questions or comments on their courses can use the contact button and mention the course name and lesson number in the email. Thank you. Glenn